Creates a new ServiceGeodatabase from a feature service portal item, and connects to a specific version in the feature service. If a version with the name does not exist, or the service is not branch versioned, the ServiceGeodatabase will fail to load.
If using FeatureServiceSessionType.Persistent and the service is not branch versioned, the ServiceGeodatabase will fail to load.
If using FeatureServiceSessionType.Persistent, it is important to call ServiceGeodatabase.close() before destruction.
the item representing the service
the version of the service
the sessionType to use
Creates a new ServiceGeodatabase connected to a specific version in a feature service. If a version with the name does not exist, or the service is not branch versioned, the ServiceGeodatabase will fail to load.
If using FeatureServiceSessionType.Persistent and the service is not branch versioned, the ServiceGeodatabase will fail to load.
If using FeatureServiceSessionType.Persistent, it is important to call ServiceGeodatabase.close() before destruction.
the URL of the service
the version of the service
the sessionType to use