An entity in a utility network that corresponds to a com.arcgismaps.data.Feature. UtilityElement includes a reference to a com.arcgismaps.data.Feature inside a utility network source, plus a terminal (if applicable). UtilityElement objects are used across the utility network API. Some places where they are used are to specify starting points and barriers for use with tracing, and returned as results from tracing.
The asset group the element belongs to.
The asset type the element belongs to.
How far the starting point or barrier is located along an edge in the utility network feature, from 0.0 (edge's start) to 1.0 (edge's end). This property is only valid when the UtilityElement.globalId property refers to an edge feature that is an input to a tracing operation.
Indicates whether or not the UtilityElement has complete data available. When taking an UtilityNetwork offline, some of the data can be filtered out to limit the size of the data. This may leave some elements in an incomplete state. For example, one element of an association may be included in the offline dataset while the other element may not.
The UtilityNetworkSource the element is from.
The object ID of the element's corresponding feature in the UtilityElement.networkSource. Only valid on results from a tracing operation, or with elements that are created from an com.arcgismaps.data.ArcGISFeature. Otherwise the value -1 is returned.
The UtilityTerminal of the utility network feature. Only valid when the UtilityElement.globalId refers to a device feature.