
Represents the popup media values that are depending on the type of media.



See also


Link copied to clipboard

Create a new popup media value object. This value object contains information about how the image should be retrieved or how the chart should be constructed.


Link copied to clipboard
val data: List<Any>

The attribute values for the pop-up media's fields defined in PopupMediaValue.fieldNames. This property is populated when Popup.evaluateExpressions is called. For PopupMediaValue objects used with an image or if PopupElement.isEvaluated is false, this will be an empty collection. The data will be normalized if PopupMediaValue.normalizeFieldName is not empty.

Link copied to clipboard

The field names of the fields to display in the chart.

Link copied to clipboard

The user-friendly display names for the pop-up media's fields defined in PopupMediaValue.fieldNames. This property is populated when Popup.evaluateExpressions is called. For PopupMediaValue objects used with an image or if PopupElement.isEvaluated is false, this will be an empty collection.

Link copied to clipboard

Gets the link URL for an image media. For PopupMediaValue objects used with a chart, this will be null.

Link copied to clipboard

The optional field used to normalize the chart.

Link copied to clipboard

The source URL for an image media. For PopupMediaValue objects used with a chart, this will be null.

Link copied to clipboard

The tooltip field name.