The metadata of an ArcGIS map service sublayer. ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo provides basic information about an individual map image sublayer (or map service sublayer), such as the description, geometry type, drawing information, fields, extent, capabilities, and layer type. You can obtain a collection of map image sublayers from com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISMapImageLayer.mapImageSublayers and obtain the ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo using the com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISSublayer.mapServiceSublayerInfo.
The ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo.sublayerType specifies if the map image sublayer is a feature layer, table, raster layer, or group layer. If the sublayer type is ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType.GroupLayer, it will have its own collection of sublayers that you can access using com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISSublayer.sublayers. If one of these sublayers is a group layer it will also contain a collection of sublayers, and so on.
The sublayer's attribution.
A flag indicating whether the sublayer supports modifying its renderer and/or its data source. False if an error occurs.
A flag indicating whether the text and symbols on the sublayer will change as the map scale varies. False if an error occurs.
The sublayer's capabilities.
The sublayer's default subtype code.
True if the sublayer is visible by default. False if an error occurs.
The sublayer's definition expression. The definition expression string uses the SQL-92 where clause syntax ( Be sure to escape special characters in the expression string as required for your platform. The DATE keyword expects the date format yyyy-mm-dd and the TIMESTAMP keyword expects the time stamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. For more information, see the ArcGIS Blog article Querying Feature Services Date-Time Queries.
The sublayer's description.
The sublayer's display field name.
The sublayer's drawing info.
The sublayer's effective max scale.
The sublayer's effective min scale.
The sublayer's feature subtypes.
The sublayer's feature types.
The sublayer's geometry type.
True if the sublayer supports attachments, false otherwise. False if an error occurs.
True if the sublayer has versioned data. False if an error occurs.
The sublayer's max record count.
The sublayer's ownership based access control.
The parent layer info. An IdInfo containing the sublayer parent id and name. Will return null if an error occurs or if the sublayer has no parent.
The sublayer's relationship infos.
The sublayer's ID.
The sublayer's name.
The sublayer info.
The type of sublayer in the ArcGIS map service. ArcGISMapServiceSublayerType.Unknown if an error occurs.
The sublayer's subtype field.
True if the sublayer supports advanced queries such as order by fields. False if an error occurs.
True if the sublayer supports statistical functions in query operations. False if an error occurs.
The sublayer's time info.
The sublayer's type id field name.
A flag indicating whether the sublayer requires the use of standardized queries. Returns true indicates the sublayer requires the use of standardized queries, a value of false indicates otherwise. False if an error occurs.