Package-level declarations
AnalysisOverlay manages the display of one or more Analyses on a scene view. AnalysisOverlay allows you to group related analyses and control visibility for all members of the collection. A scene view can contain many AnalysisOverlays.
Control how the map view is moved between positions. Controls how the map view is animated. To play with the easing functions:
Visual effect options for a scene view's atmosphere.
A background grid defines the default color and context grid for display behind a map or scene surface. The background grid determines what an empty MapView or scene com.arcgismaps.mapping.Surface looks like. An instance of this class can be used to set a default backdrop that an com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap or com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISScene will display on top of.
Draws a callout on a geo view. A callout displays an Android View that contains text and/or other content. It has a leader that points to the location that callout refers to. The body of the callout is a rectangular area with curved corners that contains the content view provided by the application. A thin border line is drawn around the entire callout.
A camera represents an observer's location and their perspective of an com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISScene within a SceneView. A Camera object can be thought of as a camera that you look through to see a viewable area of a scene. What you see depends on how you orientate the camera and how far it is above the com.arcgismaps.mapping.Surface. A camera has four main configurable properties:
A camera controller manages the position, orientation, and movement of a Camera in a SceneView. This is a base class for a number of camera controllers. Each type of camera controller is designed to provide a specific user experience for interacting with the scene display. The camera controller and its properties can be changed at run time, so you can provide the scene interaction experience best suited for the current context. The following are examples of camera controllers:
Describes the rotation of the device. Used to match the field of view of the SceneView to the field of view of a camera lens using the lens characteristics and orientation.
Represents a double-tap gesture.
Represents the beginning of a gesture.
The status of drawing in the GeoView. Use this status to determine whether the content of a view is still drawing or drawing is complete. The drawing state of a GeoView can either be DrawStatus.InProgress or DrawStatus.Completed.
GeoView is a base class for MapView and SceneView, these represent the View in a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, the Map and Scene that are set on these views represent the model. It contains all of the common operations and events that apply to displaying and working with Maps and Scenes. This includes changing what is viewable area by setting a viewpoint, responding to viewpoint change events, working with graphics overlays and identifying elements that displayed at a given location in the view.
A camera controller that supports free-form roaming of a scene view's camera around the globe. The globe camera controller allows the user to position, orientate, and move the scene view's camera around the globe. This is the default camera controller for the SceneView.
A type of com.arcgismaps.mapping.GeoElement that has a shape (geometry), symbol, and attributes and can be displayed in a map view or scene view. Graphics are used to represent temporary data that exists for the lifetime of the application. For example, you can:
Manages a collection of graphics that can be displayed in a map view or scene view. Graphics overlays displays a collection of graphics on top of all the layers (including reference layers) in a map view or scene view. Every map view or scene view can contain a collection of graphics overlays (GeoView.graphicsOverlays), and each graphics overlay can contain a collection of graphics ( The graphics in the first GraphicsOverlay are drawn first, with subsequent on top. The GraphicsOverlay.renderer defines the symbology of the collection.
The different rendering modes for GraphicsOverlay.
Grid is a base class for MGRSGrid, USNGGrid, UTMGrid and LatitudeLongitudeGrid that represents the display of a coordinate system grid on the map view. It contains all of the common operations and properties that apply to displaying and working with the different grids currently supported. This includes toggling visibility and configuring layout and appearance preferences.
A positioning scheme to use when labeling a Grid.
Identify result containing an overlay and the identified geoelements of that overlay. You need to pass this object to identify result functions.
Identify result containing a layer and the identified elements of that layer. You need to pass this object to identify result functions.
A frame that, when added to an ImageOverlay, renders an image on top of a scene. An ImageFrame can contain images that do not have georeferencing information. In such cases, location data can be provided to geolocate the image.
An overlay that contains a frame with an image to display in the view. Currently, this feature is supported in a SceneView (3D) only. The overlay can contain exactly one image at any given time. Multiple overlays, however, can be added and rendered at the same time on the SceneView. An ImageOverlay can be used to quickly render frequently changing images. For example, rendering realtime sensor data, such as weather, where each static image represents a single frame from the radar. In this workflow, images are constantly updated via a new ImageFrame each time new data is available. This provides a fast-refreshing workflow where the underlying images are frequently updated as new data comes in.
A class containing the state of the GeoView interaction options.
Represents part of an interactive zooming gesture. Such gestures are a pinch or double-tap-drag.
A grid consisting of east-west lines of latitude and north-south lines of longitude. This class represents graticules--lines showing parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude for the earth.
The format to use when labeling a LatitudeLongitudeGrid.
provides access to scene specific properties. Scene properties can be retrieved from the GraphicsOverlay and used to set scene specific properties defining the behavior in 3D.
The state of a layer in a GeoView. This object allows you to know the current state of a layer in a view.
The status of a layer in the GeoView. This status is used to determine whether a layer is displaying in a GeoView or whether it is still loading, not visible, out of scale, or has encountered an error or warning. Each layer can have multiple states at the same time. For example, a layer could be both LayerViewStatus.NotVisible and LayerViewStatus.OutOfScale, or it could be LayerViewStatus.NotVisible and LayerViewStatus.Loading. These multiple states are represented using a flag enumeration.
Ambient lighting options for a scene view.
Manages the display of a device's location in a MapView. Location display can retrieve the device's current location from a com.arcgismaps.location.LocationDataSource and display it on top of an com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap. As the device moves, the map view can respond to new locations by updating the position of the location symbol on the display. It can also set the viewpoint when an updated location is received, or automatically pan and rotate the map when the current location, heading, or course changes.
A location to screen result object. The location to screen result contains a point and visibility.
Represents a long press gesture.
A view to render and allow interaction with 2D geographic content from an ArcGISMap on a screen. In a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, this class represents the View and the Map object represents the Model.
A class containing the state of the MapView interaction options.
A class that represents the display of the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) on the map or scene view. The military grid reference system is the geocoordinate standard used by various militaries for locating points on the earth. The MGRS grid is derived from the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid system and the universal polar stereographic (UPS) grid system, but uses a different labeling convention. MGRS is used for the entire earth.
The unit to use when labeling a MgrsGrid.
A camera controller that supports orbital camera navigation around a stationary or moving com.arcgismaps.mapping.GeoElement. This camera controller is used to associate camera navigation and movement with com.arcgismaps.mapping.GeoElement objects, such as Graphic,, and com.arcgismaps.realtime.DynamicEntity. When this controller is set on the scene view, the interaction mode allows the user to rotate around and zoom in and out from the OrbitGeoElementCameraController.targetGeoElement. If the object is moving, the camera moves in synchronization with it and the camera position, heading, pitch and roll automatically adjusts. If the com.arcgismaps.mapping.GeoElement geometry is a polyline or a polygon, the camera will focus on its center point. Once you have applied this camera controller to a SceneView, you cannot change the OrbitGeoElementCameraController.targetGeoElement nor the viewpoint of the scene view.
A camera controller that supports orbital camera navigation around a stationary point in a SceneView. An orbit camera controller locks navigation around a target point. The camera can orbit around the target point but always focuses directly on the point. To activate the controller, set the controller on the SceneView.cameraController property. In this mode, the user can rotate around and zoom in and out from the target point. Once you have applied this camera controller to a SceneView, you cannot change the OrbitLocationCameraController.targetLocation nor the viewpoint of the scene view.
Represents part of a pan gesture.
Represents part of a rotation gesture.
Represents part of a scale gesture.
Identifies data type contained within a scene layer.
Various modes of visibility that can be applied to a location_to_screen_result.
A scene view object. The scene view is how a scene is displayed on a screen. The scene view will be updated when the scene changes.
A class containing the state of the SceneView interaction options.
The options for setting the Scene tiling scheme.
A typealias for DoubleXY to represent (x,y) coordinates on the screen.
A selection properties.
Represents a single tap gesture.
Determines whether outer space is black with stars or transparent.
The options for handling altitude values.
A class for holding a translation and quaternion array. This is used for camera movement while preventing gimbal lock.
Support camera navigation by using TransformationMatrix. Transformation Matrix camera controller provides navigation by using TransformationMatrix to control the camera's location and rotation. You need to pass this object to all TransformationMatrixCameraController functions. This can be used with transformation matrices produced by AR APIs like ARKit and ARCore.
Represents a two-pointer tap gesture.
Represents the end of a gesture.
A class that represents the display of the United States National Grid (USNG) on the map view. The United States National Grid (USNG) is a point reference system of grid references commonly used in the United States. It provides a nationally consistent language of location in a user friendly format. It is similar in design to the national grid reference systems used throughout other nations. The USNG was developed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee.
The unit to use when labeling an UsngGrid.
A class that represents the display of the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system grid on the map view. The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) conformal projection uses a 2-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system to give locations on the surface of the Earth. Like the traditional method of latitude and longitude, it is a horizontal position representation, i.e. it is used to identify locations on the Earth independently of vertical position. However, it differs from that method in several respects.
A typealias for DoubleXY to represent (x,y) velocity.
A view label properties object. This is used to change labels for a view.
Should wrap around be used or not. Allows you to change the wrap around mode.