
sealed class SurfacePlacement

The options for handling altitude values.





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Treat the Z values as absolute altitude values.

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Ignore Z values and drape symbols onto the surface, billboarded to always face the camera. In the case of a com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.ModelSceneSymbol, there is no difference in behavior between SurfacePlacement.DrapedFlat and SurfacePlacement.DrapedBillboarded.

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Ignore Z values and drape symbols flat on the surface. In the case of a com.arcgismaps.mapping.symbology.ModelSceneSymbol, there is no difference in behavior between SurfacePlacement.DrapedFlat and SurfacePlacement.DrapedBillboarded.

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Treat the Z values as relative to the surface altitude values.

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Treat the Z values as relative to the scene altitude values.