
Uses a color and marker shape to symbolize graphics and features that have point or multipoint geometry. Simple marker symbols display graphics and features (collectively referred to as geoelements) using predefined markers such as circle and cross. These symbols can have an optional outline, which is defined as a SimpleLineSymbol.



See also


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constructor(style: SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle = SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, color: Color = Color.white, size: Float = 8.0f)

Creates a simple marker symbol with the given properties.


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The color for the simple marker symbol.

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The outline of the simple marker symbol.

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var size: Float

The size of the simple marker symbol in device independent pixels (DIPs).

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The style of the simple marker symbol, such as circle, cross, or diamond. SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle if an error occurs.

Inherited properties

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The angle (in degrees) that the marker symbol is rotated by. The marker symbol can be rotated relative to the map or the screen, depending on the MarkerSymbol.angleAlignment.

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Indicates whether the marker symbol is rotated relative to the screen or map. If the value is SymbolAngleAlignment.Map, the marker symbol is rotated relative to the map and will be affected by the map's rotation. If the value is SymbolAngleAlignment.Screen, the marker symbol is rotated relative to the user's screen and is unaffected by the map's rotation.

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The callout leader's X offset relative to the marker symbol.

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The callout leader's Y offset relative to the marker symbol.

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The offset X of the marker symbol relative to the graphic or feature's point geometry.

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The offset Y of the marker symbol relative to the graphic or feature's point geometry.


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open override fun clone(): SimpleMarkerSymbol

Clones the SimpleMarkerSymbol.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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Converts a SimpleMarkerSymbol to a MultilayerPointSymbol. This method allows you to create complex and custom symbols with multiple layers of different type of symbology. Simple marker symbol provides a factory of shapes such as square, diamond, and cross. This method generates a MultilayerPointSymbol that contains a VectorMarkerSymbolLayer that has a VectorMarkerSymbolElement with a polygon representation of the simple marker symbol geometry.

Inherited functions

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suspend fun createSwatch(screenScale: Float, width: Float? = null, height: Float? = null, backgroundColor: Color = Color.transparent): Result<BitmapDrawable>

Creates a swatch of the symbol. This method will scale the symbol up or down in order to fit it in to the desired width and height of the swatch.

suspend fun createSwatch(screenScale: Float, width: Float, height: Float, geometry: Geometry, backgroundColor: Color = Color.transparent): Result<BitmapDrawable>

Creates a swatch of the symbol.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert an object to JSON string.