The VectorMarkerSymbolElement represents a component of a vector marker. A single VectorMarkerSymbolElement is a combination of a symbol and a geometry. The symbol held by the VectorMarkerSymbolElement is itself a MultilayerSymbol. The geometry of the VectorMarkerSymbolElement does not pertain to the geography of the Map or Scene. Rather, the geometry property describes the shape of the Multilayer_symbol held by the VectorMarkerSymbolElement. The coordinate values defining the geometry are in points. This behavior facilitates creating a custom VectorMarkerSymbolElement of custom shape and symbol, then combining it with zero or more other elements to form a vector marker.
To create a red square, for example, construct a VectorMarkerSymbolElement with a MultilayerPolygonSymbol that contains a red SolidFillSymbolLayer and a square geometry. When combined in a VectorMarkerSymbolElement and placed in a VectorMarkerSymbolLayer a red square displays.
The symbol and geometry properties must create a meaningful combination to have a visual effect. For example, a MultilayerPolygonSymbol does not draw anything if the corresponding geometry is a point, but does draw if the geometry is a polygon.
Creates a vector marker symbol element with geometry and symbol. This constructor creates a VectorMarkerSymbolElement using the geometry and symbol arguments provided.
The geometry of the vector marker symbol element. The geometry can be a point, polyline, or polygon. When rendering, the symbol draws according to the shape of the geometry. When setting a geometry, make sure that the corresponding symbol is appropriate for the desired drawing effect. For instance, a polygon geometry would pair best with a MultilayerPolygonSymbol, drawing the symbol with the polygon geometry. The coordinate values defining the geometry are in points. ErrorType.CommonInvalidArgument Raised when either the vector marker symbol element or geometry parameter is null.
A multilayer symbol on a vector marker symbol element. The symbol, a MultilayerSymbol, can be any arbitrary multilayer symbol. When rendering, the symbol draws according to the shape of the geometry. When setting a symbol, make sure that the corresponding geometry is appropriate for the desired drawing effect. For instance, a MultilayerPolygonSymbol would pair best with a polygon geometry, drawing the symbol with the polygon geometry. ErrorType.CommonInvalidArgument Raised when either the vector marker symbol element or symbol parameter is null.