Information about iBeacon produced by BeaconScanner. Some of the data produced by BeaconScanner is not a part of the official iBeacon standard. In case it is impossible to retrieve the information from the transmitted radio data, some properties will be empty.
See also
Battery level of the iBeacon in percent. This information is not a part of iBeacon standard. In case it is impossible to retrieve the information from the transmitted radio data, this property will be empty. Value of -1 is reserved for indicating an empty value.
iBeacon identifier that includes iBeacon UUID, major, and minor.
The last Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of the iBeacon. A BeaconInfo.lastRssi of 127 means this iBeacon device was detected but it does not transmit iBeacon data.
A unique id linked to an iBeacon device. This information is not a part of the iBeacon standard. If the information cannot be retrieved from the transmitted radio data, this property will be empty.