
A KML tour controller object. Use KML tour controller to play, pause or reset a KML tour It notifies the application to play sound cues or show/hide balloon popups as specified in a tour playlist.




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Creates a KML tour controller, which can be used to control the playback of KML tours. Creates a KML tour controller object. To monitor the status of a KML tour, for example to detect when the tour is over, monitor the KML tour's TourStatus property.


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val currentPosition: StateFlow<Double>

The current position of the tour associated with a tour controller.

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val totalDuration: StateFlow<Double>

The total duration of the tour associated with a tour controller.

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The KML tour on a tour controller and initializes it. To initialize and play a tour, set it on a tour controller.


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fun pause()

Pauses the associated tour.

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fun play()

Plays the associated tour, which may include audio content. If the tour is in the paused state, playing will resume where the tour was left off.

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fun reset()

Resets the associated tour. Use this to reset the tour to the beginning, which includes resetting any KML content to its original state before the tour was played.