
Represents a group within a portal.

Collections of fully populated PortalGroup objects can be obtained by calling the Portal.waitFindGroups(PortalQueryParameters), Portal.fetchFeaturedGroupsAsync(), and PortalItem.fetchGroupsAsync() methods, and from the PortalUser.getGroups() property. The load status of such objects is LoadStatus.Loaded.

Alternatively, a PortalGroup object can be constructed using PortalGroup.PortalGroup(Portal, String) if the group ID is known. In this case the load status is initially LoadStatus.NotLoaded and the object needs to be loaded to populate its properties.

The portal group owner is automatically an administrator and is returned in the list of admins. The access property determines the visibility of the group to other users. If the group is private, no one except the administrators and the members of the group can see it. If the group is shared with an organization, then all members of the organization can see the group.

Administrators can invite, add to, and remove members from a group, and also update and delete the group. The administrator for an organization may also reassign the group to another member of the organization. Group members may leave the group. Authenticated users may apply to join a group.




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constructor(portal: Portal, groupId: String)

Constructs a PortalGroup with the given Portal and group ID.


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object Companion


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The access level of the group's content. Remark: If null, the access is unknown.

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The date on which the group was created.

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The description of the group.

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val id: String

the ID of the group

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The property indicates whether the group will not accept join requests. If true, only group owners and admins can invite users to the group. Otherwise, this group does not require an invitation to join.

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The property indicates the group is view only or not. Users cannot share items with view only groups.

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The date on which the group was modified.

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The user who created the group.

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The contact information for the group.

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the Portal in which this group exists

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Snippet or summary of the group with a character limit of 250 characters.

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The sort field for the group's content.

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The sort order for the group's content.

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A list of words or short phrases that describe the group.

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@Serializable(with = LoadableImageSerializer::class)
val thumbnail: LoadableImage?

The thumbnail image of the group. If it is null, there is no group thumbnail. Otherwise, the image needs to be loaded asynchronously by using LoadableImage.load.

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The group title.

Inherited properties

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open override val loadStatus: StateFlow<LoadStatus>

The load status.


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Fetches users and administrators of this group.

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Finds portal items that belong to this group and match the given search parameters.

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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert the PortalGroup to a JSON string.

Inherited functions

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open override fun cancelLoad()

Cancels loading metadata for the Loadable object.

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open suspend override fun load(): Result<Unit>

Loads the metadata for the object.

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open suspend override fun retryLoad(): Result<Unit>

Loads or retries loading metadata for the object.