Package-level declarations


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data class ElevationServiceInfo(val id: String = "", val layerType: String = "", val url: String = "")

Represents a Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service that is provided by the portal. Objects of this class are provided by PortalHelperServices.defaultElevationServices.

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An object that represents a loadable image. A loadable image implements the loadable pattern (Loadable) and allows getting the underlying image (through LoadableImage.getImage()) once the image is loaded. For LocalItem thumbnail, the image is read from JSON and is automatically loaded. For PortalItem thumbnail, the loadable image is initialized with the thumbnail URI and needs to be loaded before calling LoadableImage.getImage().

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The entry point into the ArcGIS portal services hosted by ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. ArcGIS portals are geospatial content management systems from ESRI that customers can use to securely store, manage, and access different types of content. There are two types of portals:

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@Serializable(with = PortalAccessSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalAccess : UnknownStringEncodable

Indicates the level of access to this portal object: private, shared, organization, or public.

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data class PortalFolder(val folderId: String, val username: String, val title: String, val creationDate: Instant? = null)

Represents a folder of content within the portal or organization. A user's content in a portal can be organized into folders.

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Represents a group within a portal.

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Contains search parameters suitable for finding portal items that belong to a portal group. You can create an instance using one of the factory methods that are designed for particular types of searches, or you can use one of the constructors and specify a custom query string. A number of properties are also available to customize various aspects of the search.

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data class PortalGroupContentSearchResultSet(val searchParameters: PortalGroupContentSearchParameters, val nextSearchParameters: PortalGroupContentSearchParameters? = null, val totalResults: Int = 0, val results: List<PortalItem> = listOf())

Represents the results of a Group Content Search operation performed on a PortalGroup.

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@Serializable(with = PortalGroupSortFieldSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalGroupSortField : UnknownStringEncodable

Signifies the field by which items in a portal group are sorted.

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data class PortalGroupUsers(val admins: List<String> = listOf(), val users: List<String> = listOf())

Holds the administrators and users for a portal group.

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data class PortalHelperServices : JsonSerializable
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data class PortalInfo : JsonSerializable

A class that contains information about the related Portal.

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data class PortalItemComment(val comment: String, val owner: String, val created: Instant, val commentId: String)

Holds the content of a comment on a portal item.

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Specifies the content for a new portal item to be added.

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data class PortalItemGroups

Represents the groups a portal item belongs to.

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data class PortalItemMoveError(val code: Int, val message: String, var itemId: String = "")

An error that happens when moving a portal item.

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@Serializable(with = PortalItemRelationshipSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalItemRelationship : StringEncodable

An enumeration of PortalItem relationship types.

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@Serializable(with = PortalItemRelationshipDirectionSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalItemRelationshipDirection : StringEncodable

An enumeration of PortalItem relationship directions.

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@Serializable(with = PortalItemTypeSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalItemType : UnknownStringEncodable

An enumeration of various types of portal items.

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@Serializable(with = PortalLoginTypeSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalLoginType : UnknownStringEncodable

Signifies the login type for a portal.

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@Serializable(with = PortalModeSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalMode : StringEncodable

Signifies the tenancy mode of a portal.

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@Serializable(with = PortalPrivilegeSerializer::class)
class PortalPrivilege(val realm: PortalPrivilegeRealm, val role: PortalPrivilegeRole, val type: PortalPrivilegeType, val subtype: PortalPrivilegeSubtype = PortalPrivilegeSubtype.None)

A portal user privilege. A privilege permits the user to perform specific operations on the portal.

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@Serializable(with = PortalPrivilegeRealmSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalPrivilegeRealm : UnknownStringEncodable

Signifies the realm a privilege belongs to. Helps to organize privileges into categories for aspects relating to a portal.

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@Serializable(with = PortalPrivilegeRoleSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalPrivilegeRole : UnknownStringEncodable

Signifies the user role a privilege belongs to.

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@Serializable(with = PortalPrivilegeSubtypeSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalPrivilegeSubtype : UnknownStringEncodable

An enumeration of the fine-grained operation subtypes a portal privilege can permit.

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@Serializable(with = PortalPrivilegeTypeSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalPrivilegeType : UnknownStringEncodable

An enumeration of the types of operation a portal privilege can permit.

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class PortalQueryParameters(query: String = "", var boundingBox: Envelope? = null, var limit: Int = 10)

Defines a query to find contents or groups contained in a portal.

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Represents the results of queries performed on a Portal.

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@Serializable(with = PortalQuerySortOrderSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalQuerySortOrder : StringEncodable

Signifies the sort order, indicating whether results are returned in ascending or descending order.

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Represents a registered user of a portal.

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data class PortalUserContent(val username: String, val currentFolder: PortalFolder? = null, val items: List<PortalItem> = listOf(), val folders: List<PortalFolder> = listOf())

Represents user content in a folder. This can include portal items and subfolders.

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@Serializable(with = PortalUserRoleSerializer::class)
sealed class PortalUserRole : UnknownStringEncodable

Signifies the role in the organization of a portal user.

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@Serializable(with = PortalVersionTransformingSerializer::class)
data class PortalVersion(val major: Int, val minor: Int, val patch: Int = 0)

A three part version number with a major version, a minor version, and a patch version.

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data class SubscriptionInfo(val expiryDate: Instant, val state: SubscriptionState = SubscriptionState.Unknown(""))
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@Serializable(with = SubscriptionStateSerializer::class)
sealed class SubscriptionState : UnknownStringEncodable

State of the user's subscription.