
class PortalQueryParameters(query: String = "", var boundingBox: Envelope? = null, var limit: Int = 10)

Defines a query to find contents or groups contained in a portal.

To query a portal for items or groups, the methods Portal.findItems and Portal.findGroups must use the query parameters specified by the portal query parameters. You can choose any of pre-defined query strings, supplied by the static methods under this class, or you can create a custom query string as per the specification in the Portal API.

The default number of results returned is 10. Adjust this limit to return more results and use with the startIndex property, if you wish to paginate the results.





the query string to use. The format is such as "owner:username AND title:mygroupname".


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constructor(query: String = "", boundingBox: Envelope? = null, limit: Int = 10)

Creates a PortalQueryParameters with the given query string, the bounding box and the result limit.


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The bounding box for a spatial search, which is an overlaps/intersects function of the query bounding box and the extent of the document. Documents that have no extent (e.g., mxds, 3dds, lyr) will not be found when doing a bounding box search. The bounding box must have a SpatialReference. If the spatial reference is not WGS84, it will be projected to WGS84 when it is applied.

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An array of content category specifications to use when searching for items using Portal.findItems(queryParameters).

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var limit: Int

the results limit, which is used when paging through large result sets. It is the maximum number of results to be included in the result set response.

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The query string to search with.

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True if public items outside the organization may be included in the query.

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The field or fields to sort the results by. It is a String containing a list of one or more fields names, comma separated, or null if none.

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The sort order, indicating whether the results are returned in ascending or descending order.

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The start index, which is used when paging through large result sets. It is the index within the entire set of results of the first entry in the current page. The index number is 1-based.