This method obtains a PortalQueryResultSet object containing a collection of PortalGroup objects. Use PortalQueryResultSet.results to obtain the collection of PortalGroup objects that match the query parameters. The PortalGroup objects are fully populated and have a load status of LoadStatus.Loaded. Use the PortalQueryParameters to restrict the items returned by this method. If you provide a simple keyword string for the search, such as "federal", this method searches the default set of high performance index fields, such as id, title, description, snippet, tags, and owner.
For more advanced searches, you can preface your simple keyword strings with ArcGIS Portal Directory REST named fields followed by a colon (:). These advanced searches can take advantage of Boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR, -) and a range of special characters. For a more information, see the Search reference document in the ArcGIS Portal Directory REST API. Here are some examples of advanced search strings:
To find one specific portal group by its Id: "id:1db70a32f5f84ea9a88f5f460f22557b" To find all private portal groups with the word 'federal' in the Title field: "title:federal AND access:private" To find all portal groups with the word 'federal' in the Title field and the word 'restricted' in the Description field: "title:federal AND description:restricted" To find all portal groups with the word 'state' in the Title field and not have the word 'restricted' in the Description field: "title:state NOT description:restricted"
a Result of PortalQueryResultSet containing the portal groups that were found. The resultant PortalGroup objects are fully populated and have a load status of LoadStatus.Loaded.
the PortalQueryParameters used to search