
A cubic Bezier curve for use in a multipart geometry.




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constructor(startPoint: Point, controlPoint1: Point, controlPoint2: Point, endPoint: Point, spatialReference: SpatialReference? = null)

Creates a bezier segment based on a start and end point and two control points at tangents to the start and end points. The spatial reference parameter is used if the points have a null spatial reference. If more than one spatial reference is supplied (as a parameter or as a property of a Point parameter), they must all be equal.


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A point tangent to the start of the segment.

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A point tangent to the end of the segment.

Inherited properties

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The end point of the segment.

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Indicates is a segment is closed, it has a matching start and end point.

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True if the segment is a CubicBezierSegment or EllipticArcSegment, false otherwise. You can add curve segments (CubicBezierSegment, EllipticArcSegment) when using a MultipartBuilder, and get them back from an existing Multipart geometry when Geometry.hasCurves is true.

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The spatial reference for the segment. If the segment does not have a spatial reference null is returned.

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The start point of the segment.

Inherited functions

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int