
A network source in a utility network. Various sources of related information are associated to comprise the utility network. The most obvious sources are the structures and network features that are included with each domain network. Other sources are the set of associations and the system junctions.

The UtilityNetworkDefinition.networkSources property contains the collection of UtilityNetworkSource objects in the utility network definition.




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The collection of asset groups for the utility network source. UtilityAssetGroup is the first-level categorization of an UtilityNetworkSource.

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The com.arcgismaps.data.ArcGISFeatureTable that corresponds to the utility network source.

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The name of the utility network source.

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The ID of the utility network source.

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The source type of the utility network source. This property indicates whether the network source is an edge type or junction type.

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The usage type of this utility network source. This property indicates how the network source is used, such as line, junction, or assembly.


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fun getAssetGroup(assetGroupName: String): UtilityAssetGroup?

Gets an associated asset group by name. Gets one of the collection of asset groups for the utility network source.