Package-level declarations
An enumeration of various antialiasing modes.
The metadata for an individual layer or table in an ArcGIS feature service. An ArcGIS feature service is a data service that provides access to spatial features stored in layers and non-spatial features stored in tables. ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo provides basic information about an individual layer or table in this service, such as the description, geometry type, fields, drawing information, extent, feature templates, editor tracking fields, and whether it has attachments, z-values or m-values.
The type of the dataset underlying an ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo. This is used to determine the type of the dataset behind an ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo. Spatial datasets are considered to be layers whereas non-spatial datasets are tables.
The metadata for an ArcGIS feature service. An ArcGIS feature service is a data service that provides access to spatial features stored in layers and non-spatial features stored in tables. ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo provides basic information about the feature service, including the feature layers and tables that it contains, the service description, supported spatial reference, sync capabilities, editor tracking information, and so on.
The metadata for an ArcGIS image service. An ArcGIS image service is a data service that provides access to large collections of imagery, elevation data, rasters, and other remotely sensed data. ArcGISImageServiceInfo provides basic information about the image service, such as the name, extent, spatial reference, pixel type, mosaic field names (if appropriate), and a collection of rendering rules.
The metadata for an ArcGIS map service. An ArcGIS map service is a data service that provides access to map images that can be rendered dynamically or pre-rendered and cached in a tile grid as static images. You can display dynamically rendered images using com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISMapImageLayer and pre-rendered static images using com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISTiledLayer.
The metadata of an ArcGIS map service sublayer. ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo provides basic information about an individual map image sublayer (or map service sublayer), such as the description, geometry type, drawing information, fields, extent, capabilities, and layer type. You can obtain a collection of map image sublayers from com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISMapImageLayer.mapImageSublayers and obtain the ArcGISMapServiceSublayerInfo using the com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISSublayer.mapServiceSublayerInfo.
The type of sublayer in the ArcGIS map service.
The storage format of a tile cache.
An object that provides various information on how to render features in a feature layer.
The fields that record who adds or edits the features and when the edits are made. These editing fields are defined when the data owner enables editor tracking on the feature service. For more information, see Editor tracking for feature services.
Editor tracking information indicates who can edit features of an ArcGIS feature service. Editor tracking allows you to record who made edits and when the edits were applied. This can help you enforce accountability and quality control of the features you add to the geodatabase. If EditorTrackingInfo.editorTrackingEnabled is true, this editing information is recorded against each edited feature using the fields specified in the EditFieldsInfo. For more information, see Editor tracking for feature services.
The capabilities of an ArcGIS feature service. ArcGIS feature service capabilities, such as Query, Create, Update, and Sync, are stated within the "Capabilities" tag of its ArcGIS REST Services Directory. Each of its capabilities are reflected in FeatureServiceCapabilities.supportsCreate, FeatureServiceCapabilities.supportsDelete, FeatureServiceCapabilities.supportsEditing, and so on.
An object that represents the metadata for a Feature service layer. You will get this object from ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.layerInfos.
An enumeration of the session types that control how multiple users access branch versioned data. Session types—transient and persistent—let you control how multiple viewers and editors access branch versioned feature services. By default, a web map or web scene with branch versioned feature services (a version) loads as a FeatureServiceSessionType.Transient type; you can change this type to FeatureServiceSessionType.Persistent at the map or scene level when you load the map or scene.
An enumeration of labeling placement options. This is used to specify the preferred position of the text label, with respect to its feature geometry.
Metadata about a Layer or Sublayers support for time. It contains various information needed to be able to perform time based queries such as the time fields, the native time reference and the time extent.
This object represents a level of detail (LOD) in a tile scheme. You can get this object from com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.TileInfo.levelsOfDetail.
The capabilities of an ArcGIS map service, including whether it supports exporting map images, data and query operations. You can access the content of a map from an ArcGIS map service using one of its three main capabilities:
An object that represents the sub layer metadata for a Map service. The MapServiceLayerIdInfo class is derived from the IdInfo class.
An object that defines ownership-based access control settings of a service.
An enumeration of the different cardinalities of feature table relationships.
An object that defines information about the relationship between tables. A relationship consists of two and only two tables, each having one of these roles in the relationship:
An enumeration of the different roles of feature table relationships.
Information about a rendering rule that specifies how images are rendered or processed on an ArcGIS Image Service. You can obtain a RenderingRuleInfo from the collection of predefined RenderingRuleInfo objects provided by an ArcGIS image service. Alternatively, you can construct a RenderingRuleInfo by providing the name of a predefined service rendering rule.
Provides various information about the map service such as title, author, keywords and comments. It also includes the text anti-aliasing mode.
Represents metadata about a service's support for querying features (see and requesting map images for com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.ArcGISMapImageLayer based on time. It contains various time related information such as the map's time extent and the map's native time reference.
An enumeration of the different types of ArcGIS services.
An object that represents version metadata for a version in a branch-versioned feature service. All properties in this object are read-only, and represent the snapshot in time when was called. To add a new version, use the function.
The parameters used to create a new version in a branch-versioned feature service.
An object that identifies the various synchronization capabilities of an ArcGIS feature service.
An enumeration of the different text antialiasing modes.
An interface that is implemented by layers that can support time. These layers are known as time-aware layers. Time-aware layers contain spatial datasets that include different information for the same location at different times. If the time-aware layer supports time filtering and is connected to time-enabled data source you can perform time-based operations, such as:
Represents information about the reference units for time values. See LayerTimeInfo.timeReference Includes information about the time zone and if the time respects daylight savings which allows ArcGIS to integrate datasets that were recorded in different time zones.
Indicates how the start and end time of the time slider extent are processed.
The access permissions of a version in a branch-versioned service.