
Provides information on a single input or output parameter of a geoprocessing task. GeoprocessingParameterInfo instances are retrieved from a GeoprocessingTaskInfo by calling GeoprocessingTaskInfo.parameterInfos. Each instance in the list gives the parameter's name and type along with a property indicating whether or not it is optional (for input parameters) and whether it is an input or output parameter.




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The geoprocessing parameter's category.

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A list of value choices for this parameter.

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The geoprocessing parameter's data type.

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A new com.arcgismaps.tasks.geoprocessing.geoprocessingparameters.GeoprocessingParameter set to the default value for this parameter info instance. Either a parameter containing the default value for this parameter info or one with no value set if there is no default.

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The geoprocessing parameter's description.

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The geoprocessing parameter's direction: either input or output.

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The geoprocessing parameter's display name.

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Whether or not a geoprocessing feature parameter requires features with geometry.

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Whether or not this geoprocessing parameter is required.

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If this parameter info describes a multivalue, this property indicates the type of the parameters contained in the multivalue. If this is not a multivalue parameter, this property will return com.arcgismaps.tasks.geoprocessing.geoprocessingparameters.GeoprocessingParameterType.GeoprocessingUnknownParameter.

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The geoprocessing parameter's name.