
A utility network. This is the central class for utility network schema information and tracing. UtilityNetwork follows the com.arcgismaps.Loadable pattern. When it loads, it is populated with the utility network schema. This class provides methods to create UtilityElement objects for the UtilityNetwork.




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constructor(uri: String)

Creates an UtilityNetwork using the URI to the feature service.

constructor(uri: String, map: ArcGISMap)

Creates a utility network with the URL to the feature service and a map. Creates a utility network associated with a particular service, using the same com.arcgismaps.data.ArcGISFeatureTable objects in use by com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.FeatureLayer objects within the map. This lets any UtilityElement or com.arcgismaps.data.ArcGISFeature objects the UtilityNetwork creates or uses be associated with those existing tables and layers. Usually used when instantiating an UtilityNetwork object from a web map. This UtilityNetwork will be added to com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap.utilityNetworks.


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The definition of the UtilityNetwork. This definition is NULL until the utility network is loaded.

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The dirty area table of the UtilityNetwork. A read-only table that can be used to query features that represent either:

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The name of the UtilityNetwork. This property is empty when UtilityNetwork is not loaded or UtilityNetwork is not retrieved from a com.arcgismaps.data.Geodatabase.

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val uri: String?

The URI of the UtilityNetwork. This property is empty when UtilityNetwork is retrieved from a com.arcgismaps.data.Geodatabase.

Inherited properties

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open override val loadStatus: StateFlow<LoadStatus>

The load status.


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suspend fun addAssociation(association: UtilityAssociation): Result<Unit>

Adds an association between two utility elements in this utility network. Adding an association may also update the features that participate in the association.

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Checks if the utility association can be added to the utility network. Checks that all of the following conditions are met:

suspend fun canAddAssociation(associationType: UtilityAssociationType, fromElement: UtilityElement, toElement: UtilityElement): Result<Boolean>

Checks if a utility association with the specified type between the specified utility elements can be added to the utility network. Checks that all of the following conditions are met:

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Checks whether associations can be deleted. Checks that all of the following conditions are met:

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fun createElementOrNull(arcGISFeature: ArcGISFeature, terminal: UtilityTerminal? = null): UtilityElement?

Creates an UtilityElement from a feature and an optional UtilityTerminal. If the optional UtilityTerminal is not supplied, and the feature's UtilityAssetType supports an UtilityTerminalConfiguration, a default UtilityTerminal will be assigned.

fun createElementOrNull(assetType: UtilityAssetType, globalId: Guid, terminal: UtilityTerminal? = null): UtilityElement?

Creates an UtilityElement from an UtilityAssetType, a GlobalID, and an optional UtilityTerminal. If the optional UtilityTerminal is not supplied, and the feature's UtilityAssetType supports an UtilityTerminalConfiguration, a default UtilityTerminal will be assigned.

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suspend fun deleteAssociation(association: UtilityAssociation): Result<Unit>

Deletes an association from this utility network. Deleting an association may also update the features that participate in the association.

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Deletes a collection of associations from this utility network. Deleting these associations may also update the features that participate in these associations.

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Returns a list of all UtilityAssociation objects (with their geometry) of type UtilityAssociationType present in the geodatabase for a given Envelope. Containment associations are not returned because no geometric relationship is defined between a container and its contents; consider using UtilityNetwork.getAssociations(UtilityElement, UtilityAssociationType) instead. The method does not return a complete picture of connectivity; features that are connected by geometric coincidence are not returned. Note that the list returned can contain associations that have not yet been validated and are therefore not yet included in the topological index.

Returns a list of all UtilityAssociation objects of type UtilityAssociationType present in the geodatabase for a given UtilityElement. The method does not return a complete picture of connectivity; features that are connected by geometric coincidence are not returned. Note that the list returned can contain associations that have not yet been validated and are therefore not yet included in the topological index.

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Gets a collection of loaded com.arcgismaps.data.ArcGISFeature objects that each correspond to one of a collection of UtilityElement objects.

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Returns an UtilityNetworkState that represents the current state of the utility network. This state is unavailable if the utility network does not support the network state.

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Returns a list of UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration from the utility network. If none of the query parameters are set or if null is passed in then all available UtilityNamedTraceConfiguration are returned.

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suspend fun trace(traceParameters: UtilityTraceParameters): Result<List<UtilityTraceResult>>

Begins a trace with the supplied UtilityTraceParameters. This method returns a task that supplies a collection of UtilityTraceResult objects when the utility network finishes the trace.

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fun validateNetworkTopology(    extent: Envelope,     executionType: GeoprocessingExecutionType = GeoprocessingExecutionType.SynchronousExecute): UtilityNetworkValidationJob

Returns a job that when started will validate the utility network topology within the provided extent. The preferred job execution type is com.arcgismaps.tasks.geoprocessing.GeoprocessingExecutionType.SynchronousExecute because it is faster to start up. For larger jobs, com.arcgismaps.tasks.geoprocessing.GeoprocessingExecutionType.SynchronousExecute can lead to timeouts, at which point com.arcgismaps.tasks.geoprocessing.GeoprocessingExecutionType.AsynchronousSubmit should be used.

Inherited functions

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open override fun cancelLoad()

Cancels loading metadata for the Loadable object.

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open suspend override fun load(): Result<Unit>

Loads the metadata for the object.

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open suspend override fun retryLoad(): Result<Unit>

Loads or retries loading metadata for the object.