
The utility networks in the map. This collection of UtilityNetwork is specific to this map.

An ArcGISMap created with a web map portal item with utility networks will pre-populate this collection.

When this ArcGISMap is used to create an UtilityNetwork, the UtilityNetwork that was created will be added to this collection.

Only an UtilityNetwork that is not loaded may be added to this collection. An attempt to add an UtilityNetwork that is loaded or loading will throw an ErrorType.CommonInvalidCall error.

An attempt to add an UtilityNetwork that is already part of an ArcGISMap.utilityNetworks to this collection will throw an ErrorType.CommonObjectAlreadyOwned error.

An attempt to add a null UtilityNetwork to this collection will throw an ErrorType.CommonNullPtr error.

