Package-level declarations


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A map is a container for layers. Use a map together with a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapView to display layers of geographic data in 2D. ArcGISMap contains layers of mapping data and information such as basemaps, popups, renderers, and labels which define the map's capabilities. You can access ArcGISMap content directly or visualize the map in a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapView.

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A scene is a container for layers. You use a scene together with a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.SceneView to display layers of geographic data in 3D. ArcGISScene contains layers of mapping data and information such as elevation data, renderers, and labels which define the scene's capabilities. You can access ArcGISScene content directly or, more commonly, visualize the scene in a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.SceneView.

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An elevation source based on a tiled ArcGIS image service containing elevation data. An ArcGIS tiled elevation source helps visualize maps and layers in 3D by providing a surface that layers may be draped or offset from.

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A basemap is a non-editable layer that provides background, or reference information, in your map or scene. A basemap provides a background of geographical context for the content you display in a map or scene. It provides a visual reference to help orient users and a framework on which you can overlay operational layers, perform analysis, and visualize geographic information. The content of a basemap is typically static and does not change frequently.

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sealed class BasemapStyle

The list of basemap styles. This is used to determine which basemap to use. These basemaps are secured and require either an APIKey or named user to access them.

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Information about a given BasemapStyle available from the Basemap Styles Service, including human-readable name, thumbnail url and customization options. The Basemap Styles Service can be queried to access information about a given BasemapStyle. The service provides information about each style, including the human-readable name of the style, the url for the style's preview image (a.k.a thumbnail), and different customization options available with each BasemapStyle This read-only class collates the information available for each BasemapStyle into a common data structure and makes the information easily accessible to API users.

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Information about a language that can be used to customize labels on a basemap. To request that labels on a Basemap are displayed in a given language, set the value of the BasemapStyleLanguageInfo.languageCode property to BasemapStyleParameters.specificLanguage.

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Options for setting the language on a Basemap created from a BasemapStyle.

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Provides parameters for creating a Basemap from a BasemapStyle. BasemapStyleParameters allows you to set preferences, such as the language to use for basemap labels, when creating a Basemap that suits your application.

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Esri's Basemap Styles Service. The Basemap Styles Service is a secure ArcGIS Location Service. You can access this service if you implement API key authentication or User authentication in your app. This service is not available to users with ArcGIS Enterprise accounts.

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Represents the service metadata for the Basemap Styles Service. The BasemapStylesServiceInfo can be obtained from a loaded BasemapStylesService. The service info provides information for browsing the contents of the service.

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class Bookmark

A geographic or time location for quick navigate.

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Represents an image of a chart.

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Represents the options used to generate a ChartImage.

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sealed class ChartImageStyle

Constants indicating the style used to generate a ChartImage. The background of the generated chart being transparent, the chart image style controls only the text color and the line colors.

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sealed class ElevationSource : Loadable

Elevation sources provide a surface on which data can be draped or offset from. This is the base class for elevation sources, such as ArcGISTiledElevationSource and RasterElevationSource. To utilize an elevation source in a scene's surface, create the elevation source and add it to the scene's Surface.elevationSources collection. The combination of elevation sources within the Surface generates a rendering surface on which data can be draped or offset from.

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Expiration details, that indicate whether a given package is out of date. Expiration details can indicate that the package in question:

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sealed class ExpirationType

Enumerates the possible types of expiration.

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interface GeoElement

An abstract representation of geographic entities in a map, scene, map view or scene view. Each geographic entity can possess geometry, to describe the location and shape of the entity, and a set of attributes to provide information about the real-world entity it represents. For example, a feature in a feature layer, a graphic in a graphics overlay, and a raster cell in a raster layer are represented by the, com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.Graphic, and com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.RasterCell classes. Each class inherits from GeoElement.

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sealed class GeoModel : Loadable

A base class for ArcGISMap and ArcGISScene that contains layers and properties and can be displayed in a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView. This base class represents the model in a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, while the com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView represents the view. To display a map or scene to the user, pass GeoModel to its appropriate com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView, as follows:

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sealed class HttpOperation

The list of available HTTP operations. This is used to determine a request's HTTP operation.

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sealed class Item

An object that represents an item.

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This class allows you to specify how the map/scene should treat feature layers. Represents load settings.

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class LocalItem : Item

An object that represents a local item.

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sealed class LocalItemType

An enumeration of various types of local items.

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A mobile map package. Mobile map packages allow you to work offline with maps on a mobile device. Each mobile map package can encapsulate one or more map definitions, including their basemap layers, data layers, layer content, layer styles and pop-up definitions. Each mobile map package contains an Item with metadata about the package, such as the description and thumbnail.

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A mobile scene package. Mobile scene packages allow you to work with 3D scenes on a mobile device. A mobile scene package contains all of the files necessary to work with your scenes and is stored on a device as either:

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The list of options for constraining navigation based on the surface elevation. Used to constrain all forms of camera navigation to the elevation surface.

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Represents settings in an online web map which the author has configured for offline use. Offline settings can be configured by a web map author to provide default values which are appropriate for taking a map offline. Applications which take the map offline can choose to ignore these offline settings when setting parameters for an com.arcgismaps.tasks.offlinemaptask.OfflineMapTask.

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@Serializable(with = PortalItemSerializer::class)
class PortalItem : Item, JsonSerializable, Loadable

An item (unit of content) stored in an ArcGIS portal, such as a layer, web map, package file, or map service. ArcGIS portals support various types of portal items, including:

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An object that identifies the supported formats in which query results can be returned from a feature service.

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An elevation source based on raster elevation files. A raster elevation source helps visualize maps and layers in 3D by providing a surface that layers may be draped or offset from. You can create a raster elevation source from a collection of raster elevation files, such as Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) format files. See Raster To DTED for more information about creating raster elevation files based on the DTED tiling scheme.

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The surface contains elevation sources and defines a surface upon which layers and overlays can be draped. The surface is used to represent the ground in a scene. It is comprised of a collection of elevation sources (ElevationSource) which are combined in the scene to generate the surface.

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Represents a span of time between a start time and end time. To create a time extent which represents an instant in time set the start time and end time to the same time value. The TimeExtent is returned in the meta-data for time-aware services and layers. It is often used to create a time slider ranging from a start time to an end time.

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class TimeValue

Defines a time offset or interval for any time related classes.

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Defines the visible area of a GeoModel that is displayed in a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView on a user's screen. In a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapView, the bounding extent of a geometry or the map's center point and scale can define the map view's two-dimensional Viewpoint.

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sealed class ViewpointType

Different types of Viewpoint.

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class Worldview

Defines a valid representation of a disputed boundary (a.k.a worldview) on a BasemapStyleParameters object. For more information see the boundary disputes section of the basemap styles service API reference.