
Parameters to perform a statistical query on a FeatureTable. Perform statistical analyses such as average, count, maximum, and standard deviation on a feature table by defining a StatisticType on a StatisticDefinition. Use a combination of attribute, spatial, and temporal criteria to filter the features to be analyzed. If no filters are defined, all features in the table are included in the statistical query. You can also control how to group the results.



See also


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constructor(statisticDefinitions: Iterable<StatisticDefinition>)

Creates statistics query parameters using one or more StatisticDefinition.


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The geometry used to filter the results. The geometry that (along with the StatisticsQueryParameters.spatialRelationship) defines features to be included in the statistical query.

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The fields by which statistical query results will be grouped.

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The fields by which statistical query results will be ordered. Results can be sorted by one or more fields. Each OrderBy instance includes a field name and whether to sort by that field in ascending or descending order. If a service-based table is being queried it must support advanced queries.

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The spatial relationship that (along with the StatisticsQueryParameters.geometry) defines features to be included in the query. The default spatial relationship is SpatialRelationship.Intersects.

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The definition of statistics (input field, output name, statistic type) to include in the statistical query of a table.

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The time extent that defines features to be included in the statistics query. A combination of attribute, spatial, and temporal criteria can be used to filter the features evaluated in a statistical query. If no filters are defined, all features in the table are included in the query.

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The attribute expression that defines features to be included in the statistics query. The where clause should follow standard SQL syntax similar to that discussed in the document