An enumeration of the various usage types of an UtilityNetworkSource. These values indicate how an UtilityNetworkSource is used in a utility network.
Assemblies such as switchgear.
Network devices, such as transformers or valves.
Non-spatial edge, such as a fiber strand in a fiber cable.
Miscellaneous junctions not typically tracked as assets, such as taps.
Non-spatial junctions, such as a transceiver in a fiber network.
Lines such as conductors, pipes, or fiber strands.
Polygonal structures, such as substations or town border stations.
Non-spatial structure edge, such as a duct in a duct bank.
Point structures, such as poles.
Non-spatial structure junction, such as a duct port in a manhole.
Linear structures, such as ducts, conduits, or buffer tubes.
System-generated subnetwork lines.