A layer that displays ENC data. Electronic navigational charts (ENC) are georeferenced vector datasets for the visualization and analysis of hydrographic and maritime information. This API supports ENC that conform to the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-57 standard.
Functional characteristics
ENC layer supports identify and selection but does not support query or time. ENC layers cannot be displayed in a scene.
Performance characteristics
ENC layers differ from other layer types in that ENC content is cached in an internal collection of SENC files. When an ENC layer is displayed, only the content in the SENC files is referenced. SENC files are produced when an ENC cell is read for the first time and updated as update sets are applied. You can set the path to the SENC storage directory with the com.arcgismaps.hydrography.EncEnvironmentSettings.sencDataPath property. SENC files are in a binary format that is not intended to be shared between platforms or versions of this API.
Inherited properties
The attribution text for the layer.
A flag indicating whether the layer content's visibility can be changed. A flag indicating whether the layer content visibility can be changed. Will return false if an error occurs.
The description for the layer.
The full extent of this layer, which is the extent where all layer data is contained. You can use this to zoom to all of the data contained in this layer. For feature layers, the extent is retrieved from its com.arcgismaps.data.FeatureTable.extent.
The unique identifying string for the layer, as specified in a map or scene. The id is used by other parts of this API to refer to a specific Layer, such as in a set of com.arcgismaps.geotriggers.FeatureFenceParameters or a com.arcgismaps.mapping.floor.FacilityLayerDefinition. If not supplied, all layers will be assigned a unique id when created.
True if the layer supports identify, false otherwise. The value of this property may not be correct until the layer is in a fully loaded state.
The load status.
The maximum scale for the layer. The maximum scale at which this layer is visible. If the map or scene is zoomed in beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means there is no maximum scale threshold and the layer will be visible at the smallest scale available for the map or scene. If the value is nil, there is no maximum scale. All of the connected map and scene views will be updated.
The minimum scale for the layer. The minimum scale at which this layer is visible. If the map or scene is zoomed out beyond this scale, the layer will not be visible. A value of 0 means there is no minimum scale threshold and the layer will be visible at the largest scale available for the map or scene. If the value is nil, there is no minimum scale. All of the connected map and scene views will be updated.
A flag indicating whether the layer content participates in the legend. A flag indicating whether the layer content is shown in the legend.
The spatial reference of the layer.
The sub layer contents of a layer content.
A SharedFlow that emits when the visibility of the layer changes.
Clears / Unselects a previously selected ENC feature (if any).
Selects an ENC feature. Only one ENC feature can be selected at a time. Note that some ENC features are rendered as multiple objects on the map - for example, a soundings feature might consist of many individual measurements, each of which will be highlighted when the feature is selected.
Inherited functions
Cancels loading metadata for the Loadable object.
Fetches the list of legend info.
Returns the layer content's effective visibility at the specified scale. Returns the effective layer content visibility. This effective visibility takes care of the effective visibility of the parents at the specified scale. Will return false if an error occurs.