Package-level declarations
A layer that can visualize annotation text data. Annotation can be used to symbolize text on your maps as described in the ArcGIS Pro "Annotation" documentation. Annotation is defined using a text string, geographical location, and display properties such as font, size, and color. This information is stored in an annotation feature class in a geodatabase.
A sublayer of the annotation layer. You can change the sublayer's visibility and interrogate its read-only properties, such as the maximum and minimum scale, opacity, and definition expression.
A layer that can visualize data from an ArcGIS map service using dynamically generated map images. An ArcGIS map image layer displays a map from an ArcGIS MapServer REST service endpoint. Each time a request is made to the map server, layers contained in the map are rendered by the server and returned to the client as a single image of the map. While the image itself does not contain information about the features it displays, you can access and control the visual appearance of the layers using the ArcGISMapImageLayer.mapImageSublayers collection.
A sublayer of an ArcGIS map image layer. ArcGISMapImageSublayer provides access to layers that comprise an ArcGISMapImageLayer. Once the ArcGISMapImageLayer has loaded, you can obtain its map image sublayers from the ArcGISMapImageLayer.mapImageSublayers collection. You can obtain the ArcGIS map service information for each of these sublayers from the ArcGISSublayer.mapServiceSublayerInfo.
A layer to visualize data from an ArcGIS scene service or a local scene package. Scene layers display content from a scene service or a scene package.
A base class for ArcGIS sublayer classes such as ArcGISMapImageSublayer, ArcGISTiledSublayer and SubtypeSublayer. Some layers, such as ArcGISMapImageLayer, ArcGISTiledLayer, and SubtypeFeatureLayer, represent a collection of layers that are referred to as sublayers. For example, ArcGISMapImageLayer represents the collection of ArcGISMapImageLayer.mapImageSublayers.
A layer that can visualize data from an ArcGIS map service or a local TileCache by using previously generated tiles. ArcGIS tiled layers consume image tiles provided by an ArcGIS map service or a local tile package. Raster tiles are cached at various scales when the map service is created. This API requests the tiles needed at a particular map extent. ArcGISTiledLayer will display data from an ArcGIS MapServer if "Single Fused Map Cache" is set to true in its ArcGIS REST Services Directory.
A sublayer of an ArcGIS tiled layer. A tiled sublayer can be an individual layer or table in a cached ArcGIS map service. This property is available once its ArcGISTiledLayer is loaded or you can obtain a collection of sublayers from another tiled sublayer by using ArcGISSublayer.sublayers.
A layer that can visualize data from an ArcGIS vector tile service or a local com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.vectortiles.VectorTileCache. An ArcGIS vector tiled layer displays vector tiles from an online vector tile service or a local vector tile cache (.vtpk file). Vector tiled layers are appropriate for basemap, reference and possibly operational layers. They do not contain feature data, and do not support identify, search, or editing operations.
A layer that can visualize data from a Bing Maps web service. A Bing maps layer displays map content from a Bing Maps web service, providing access to static map tiles and imagery meta-data. Map style and culture can be customized prior to loading the layer.
The list of Bing maps layer styles. This is used to determine the Bing maps layer style.
A custom tiled layer type that displays tiled map services and cached image services.
A layer that can visualize dimension features data. Dimension features are a special kind of annotation feature for showing specific lengths or distances on a map. A dimension may indicate the length of a side of a building or land parcel, or the distance between two features, such as a fire hydrant and the corner of a building. They are described in detail in "Dimension".
Represents a type used for limiting which features are rendered. Features filtered from display remain available for query and analysis. Use display filter when only a subset of features needs to be visible while maintaining access to all features.
Provides definition on how features are filtered from the display. When FeatureLayer.displayFilterDefinition is not null, only features that satisfy the currently applied display filter are rendered. Use this to improve data visualization or optimize rendering performance.
A Layer that displays dynamic entity observations from real-time services. A dynamic entity layer consumes com.arcgismaps.realtime.DynamicEntityObservation objects streamed from a com.arcgismaps.realtime.DynamicEntityDataSource. A com.arcgismaps.realtime.DynamicEntityDataSource must be passed to the constructor of the layer. The layer manages the display of observations as they are added to or removed from the data source's local cache.
A layer that displays ENC data. Electronic navigational charts (ENC) are georeferenced vector datasets for the visualization and analysis of hydrographic and maritime information. This API supports ENC that conform to the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-57 standard.
A layer that can visualize a feature collection. A feature collection groups logically-related tables of features even though they may have different schema, geometry types, and symbology. A feature collection layer allows multiple tables with different schemas to be managed as a group.
A layer that can visualize feature data. Feature layers can display data from a range of online feature table sources, such as, or source, and offline sources such as,, or You can construct a feature layer object using these feature table sources or you can obtain it directly from a map or scene's collection of com.arcgismaps.mapping.GeoModel.operationalLayers.
Rendering modes available for feature layers. Represents the rendering mode for a feature layer.
Feature tiling modes available to feature layers. This determines how feature tiling is handled for each layer. Using the default mode is highly recommended. As of now, only services based on service feature tables support feature tiling.
A container for other layers and group layers. It is used to represent datasets that are composed of multiple layers to be managed as a single layer with respect to display in a map or scene. Group layers are designed for presentation of operational layers that are related by a theme. You can add several related operational child layers into a group layer so the layers can be displayed together. Suppose there are several feature layers that represent existing infrastructure projects (buildings, sidewalks, roads, and trees). You can add these feature layers into a single group layer called "Existing". Similarly assume there are also proposed infrastructure projects that are features in other layers. These layers can be added to a group layer called "Planned". You can manage the visibility of the existing or planned features as separate groups.
The visibility modes on a group layer.
A base class for raster type layers that allows per-pixel adjustments.
A base class for layers that display cached maps. You would typically work with one or more sub-classes of this class. ImageTiledLayer defines a base class for layers that display tiled map services and cached image services. This is an abstract class that can be derived in a custom class to implement a local tile data scheme. To implement a custom ImageTiledLayer, for example to load your own local tile data, you should derive from this type and supply the data for each tile as it is requested. Additionally, you must supply TileInfo that describes the tiling scheme, and an com.arcgismaps.geometry.Envelope that defines the layer extent.
An instance of this class represents a layer that can visualize an integrated mesh layer. An integrated mesh can represent built and natural 3D features, such as building walls, trees, valleys, and cliffs, with realistic textures and includes elevation information.
The join type (left outer or left inner) of a table join sublayer source. Can get the join type by calling TableJoinSublayerSource.joinType.
A layer that can visualize KML data. Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is a specification for working with geographic content. KML files can contain 2D and 3D content, as well as links to content from the network. You can read .kml and .kmz files from disk or the network and create, edit, and save a KML layer via the com.arcgismaps.mapping.kml.KmlDataset.
A base class for classes that represent layers. A layer, also known as an operational layer, provides access to geographic data that is displayed in a map or scene. Each layer references a file or service data source that contains either vector data (points, lines, polygons and attributes) or raster data (images). The com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap or com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISScene can display these layers inside a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapView or com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.SceneView, respectively. To enhance the displayed information, you can 'stack' the layers into a collection of com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap.operationalLayers or com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISScene.operationalLayers. The first layer in the collection is drawn first (on the bottom) and each subsequent layer is drawn on top of it.
An interface for building a Table of Contents. This interface is implemented by Layer, ArcGISSublayer.
This object represents a legend item. You can get this object from the LayerContent.fetchLegendInfosAsync method of objects that implement the LayerContent interface (e.g. ArcGISSublayer.fetchLegendInfos).
Filter features from the display based on the specified active display filter. This is useful when making visual comparisons of the data, or filtering out specific pieces of data.
The image formats supported by ArcGIS map services and ArcGIS image services.
A map sublayer source refers to a layer in the current map service. If supported, use the geodatabase version property to specify an alternate geodatabase version.
A layer that can visualize the basemap layer of a map from mobile map package. A mobile basemap layer can render feature, tiled, vector tiled and raster data together in a group as a single basemap layer. This layer abstracts the complexity of multiple layers into one simple-to-use layer.
The ImageTiledLayer behavior for the tiles without data.
A layer to visualize 3D tiles data that conforms to the OGC 3D Tiles specification. The 3D Tiles Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specification defines a spatial data structure and a set of tile formats designed for streaming and rendering 3D geospatial content. A 3D Tiles data set, known as a tileset, defines one or more tile formats organized into a hierarchical spatial data structure. For more information, see the OGC 3D Tiles specification.
The different ways to treat the x/y coordinates order.
Metadata of a layer (feature collection) in an OGC API - Features service. Provides metadata (such as id, title, and description) that describes an OGC API - Features feature collection.
An "OGC API - Features" service. Use OgcFeatureServiceInfo as an entry point to explore the "OGC API - Features" service metadata.
Metadata for an "OGC API - Features" service. Provides metadata (such as name, title, and description) for an "OGC API - Features" service and lists the feature collections it contains.
A layer that can visualize images from the OpenStreetMap servers. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a project to create a free, publicly editable map of the world. This layer displays map content from OpenStreetMap tile servers.
A layer that can visualize a point cloud layer. Point cloud layers provide fast display of large volumes of symbolized and filtered point cloud data. They are optimized for the display and sharing of many kinds of sensor data, including LiDAR. Layers of this type can only be displayed in a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.SceneView.
A raster cell. A RasterCell is a specific type of com.arcgismaps.mapping.GeoElement used to represent the values of a specific pixel in a RasterLayer.
A layer that can visualize raster data (from a raster data source). In its simplest form, raster data consists of a matrix of cells (or pixels) organized into rows and columns (or a grid) where each cell contains a value representing information. Raster layer can support these main types of raster data sources:
Raster sublayer source is a file-based raster that resides in a registered raster workspace.
An Interface for setting and getting the refreshInterval of an object. This interface will be used to set or get the refreshInterval of an object that supports a refresh interval. The get method returns a refreshInterval (in milliseconds) and not the interface Refreshable.
Filter features from the display based on the current map scale. This is useful when there is so much feature density at small scales making the display difficult to interpret or slow to draw.
A DisplayFilter that is applied on the layer based on the provided scale range.
Filter features from an ArcGISSceneLayer using one or more polygons and a SceneLayerPolygonFilterSpatialRelationship.
The spatial relationships for filtering using polygon geometries. Specify the spatial relationship to be used with the polygons for filtering features in an ArcGISSceneLayer.
Describes how to combine a feature selection request with the current selected features list.
A super class for all image tiled layers that fetch map tiles from a remote service. Allows you to have a custom service image tiled layer. For a given LOD, column and row your custom service image tiled layer will be called to generate a request (ServiceImageTiledLayer.generateRequest). Once you set the request information (ServiceImageTiledLayer.setRequest) then the request will be sent over the network for you.
The source of an ArcGISMapImageSublayer.
The different types of sublayer sources. This is used to determine the sublayer source type. Can get the type by calling SublayerSource.getObjectType.
A layer that can visualize feature data with different visibility, rendering, popup properties, and so on for some or all of the subtypes in an The must have an com.arcgismaps.arcgisservices.ArcGISFeatureLayerInfo.subtypeField and at least one defined, otherwise the layer will fail to load.
A sublayer that allows custom rendering for features of a particular subtype.
Table Join sublayer source is the result of a join operation. Nested joins are supported. To use nested joins, set either leftTableSource or rightTableSource to be a TableJoinSublayerSource.
Query table sublayer source is a layer/table that is defined by a SQL query.
Table sublayer source is a table, feature class, or raster that resides in a registered workspace (either a folder or geodatabase). In the case of a geodatabase, if versioned, use geodatabaseVersion property to switch to an alternate geodatabase version. If version is empty or missing, the registered geodatabase version will be used.
A local cache of rendered map tiles that can be used to create a layer. A tile cache stores a collection of images at various scales. A client can request the tiles needed to display a particular map extent. You can use com.arcgismaps.tasks.tilecache.ExportTileCacheTask to generate and download tiles from a service, creating a tile package (.tpk/.tpkx). Alternatively, you can use ArcGIS Pro to create a map tile package and provision it to the device.
The image formats supported by tiled layers.
Represents the tiling scheme used by a cached map service. For example, ArcGIS Server cached map service, Bing Maps, etc. The tiling scheme contains information about how a map is broken up into tiles of images and how a client can use these tiles to display a map.
Controls the display of tracks for a DynamicEntityLayer. Track display properties allow you to control the display of dynamic entity observations by setting a maximum number of observations to show, displaying a line that connects them (track line), and applying renderers to the previous observations and/or track line.
An instance of this class represents a layer whose type could not be determined. The layer will not be persisted in the string returned by com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap.toJson, and will not be drawn by the map view.
An instance of this class represents a layer type that is not currently supported. The layer will be persisted in the string returned by com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap.toJson, but will not be drawn by the map view.
A layer that can visualize image tiles from non-ArcGIS web services or local tile caches based on a URI template. This layer provides a simple way to integrate non-ArcGIS Services as a layer in a map. The URL template usually follows a pattern similar to https://{subDomain}{level}/{col}/{row}.png, where:
An object that represents the metadata of a layer (feature type) in a WFS service. Provides metadata (e.g name, title, description, and more) about a WFS feature type.
An OGC Web Feature Service. Provides an entry point to explore the WFS service metadata via WfsServiceInfo. See the OGC Web Feature Service standard for more information.
An object that represents the metadata of a WFS service. Provides metadata (e.g name, title, description, and more) about a WFS service, and lists the contained WFS layers (feature types).
An object that represents a WMS feature. Pass this object to all WMS feature methods.
A layer that can visualize data from a WMS service. Web Map Service (WMS) is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard for delivering map images from an online service. WMS layer displays data from a web service that provides maps in the form of server-rendered images. The service may be hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise or in a third party server. This API supports WMS versions 1.1.0, 1.1.1, and 1.3.0.
Metadata about an individual Web Map Service (WMS) layer within a WMS service. You can obtain a WmsLayerInfo from the WmsServiceInfo.layerInfos collection of a loaded WmsService.
An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS). The OGC WMS standard is an international specification for requesting geo-registered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases. The service may be hosted in ArcGIS Enterprise or in a third party server. You can construct a WmsService using the URL for a service's GetCapabilities operation. Once loaded, you can browse its metadata using WmsService.serviceInfo and access its layers using the WmsServiceInfo.layerInfos collection.
The service metadata for a Web Map Service (WMS). You can obtain the WmsServiceInfo from a loaded WmsService.
An instance of this class allows you to get data from a WMS service. You can get the MutableList of WmsSublayer from WmsLayer.
The different versions of the WMS service.
A layer that can visualize data from a WMTS service by using pre-generated tiles. Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard for delivering geographic data via raster tiles. A WMTS layer uses pre-generated tiles to create a map instead of dynamically generating map images.The service may be hosted in ArcGIS Online, in ArcGIS Enterprise, or in a third party Server. This API supports WMTS 1.0.0.
Metadata about an individual Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layer within a WMTS service. You can obtain a WmtsLayerInfo from the WmtsServiceInfo.layerInfos collection of a loaded WmtsService.
An Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). The OGC WMTS standard is an international specification for serving digital maps over the web using cached image tiles. The WMTS service may be hosted in ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Enterprise, or on a third party server. You can construct a WmtsService using the URL for a WMTS service. Once loaded, you can browse its metadata using WmtsService.serviceInfo and access its layers using the WmtsServiceInfo.layerInfos collection.
The service metadata for a Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). You can obtain the WmtsServiceInfo from a loaded WmtsService.
An object that represents the WMTS tile matrix.
An object that represents the WMTS tile matrix set.