A sublayer of the annotation layer. You can change the sublayer's visibility and interrogate its read-only properties, such as the maximum and minimum scale, opacity, and definition expression.
Use the LayerContent.subLayerContents to get a read-only collection of sublayers from the AnnotationLayer. Each AnnotationSublayer object only exists as part of an AnnotationLayer object and is populated when the AnnotationLayer is loaded.
The where-clause of the sql expression that defines which annotation features from the feature table are selected into this sublayer. The definition expression string uses the SQL-92 where clause syntax ( Be sure to escape special characters in the expression string as required for your platform. The DATE keyword expects the date format yyyy-mm-dd and the TIMESTAMP keyword expects the time stamp format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. For more information, see the ArcGIS Blog article Querying Feature Services Date-Time Queries.
True if the annotation text scales with the com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapView. The scaleSymbols value is always true.
Non-negative integer id number of the AnnotationSublayer within its AnnotationLayer.
Inherited properties
A flag indicating whether the layer content's visibility can be changed. A flag indicating whether the layer content visibility can be changed. Will return false if an error occurs.
A flag indicating whether the layer content participates in the legend. A flag indicating whether the layer content is shown in the legend.
The sub layer contents of a layer content.
Inherited functions
Fetches the list of legend info.
Returns the layer content's effective visibility at the specified scale. Returns the effective layer content visibility. This effective visibility takes care of the effective visibility of the parents at the specified scale. Will return false if an error occurs.