
Expiration details, that indicate whether a given package is out of date. Expiration details can indicate that the package in question:




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The date and time when the package will expire. This property is in Unix time (milliseconds since Epoch) using UTC.

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Indicates that the current package has expired. This property shows whether the given package was expired at the time it was loaded. Subsequent checks can be made by performing a comparison of the current time against Expiration.dateTime.

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An accompanying message which provides contextual information when the package has expired. The message could indicate the reasons for expiration or where an up-to-date version of the data can be obtained from. The author of the package may have configured the message to contain raw text, hyperlinks or HTML.

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The type of expiration for the given package. This property indicates what expiration entails for a given package. That is, when the package expires: