
A class that describes the transportation network that a closest facility task is bound to. It describes information about ClosestFacilityTask.



See also


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Accumulate attribute names.

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Cost attributes.

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Default impedance cutoff. An impedance cutoff is a value for the impedance beyond which facilities should not be found.

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Default target facility count.

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Default travel mode's name.

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Directions distance text units. Default value com.arcgismaps.UnitSystem.Metric will be returned on error.

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Directions language. The language of the output directions e.g. "en-US".

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Directions style. The directions setting to generate directions designed for different kind of applications. Default value DirectionsStyle.Desktop will be returned on error.

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Whether the underlying network dataset supports the returning of directions. For services prior to ArcGIS 10.8, this value will be NetworkDirectionsSupport.Unknown.

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Maximum locating distance is the furthest distance in meters that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum locating distance, the object is marked as unlocated.

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Network name.

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Output spatial reference. The spatial reference that will be used for output geometry during closest facility solving.

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Restriction attributes. The names of set restriction attributes e.g. "Oneway".

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Route shape type. The enumeration value for the output shape type e.g.straight line shape, true shape, or no shape. Default value RouteShapeType.None will be returned on error.

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Start time. A null if a start time was not set.

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Start time usage. Default value StartTimeUsage.DepartureTime will be returned on error.

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Array of supported languages. Supported languages of the output directions.

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Array of supported restriction usage parameter values. Array of special string values for restriction usage, such as Avoid_High.

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Travel direction. Default value TravelDirection.FromFacility will be returned on error.

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Array of travel modes.