The shapes that can be created by using a ShapeTool with a GeometryEditor.
See also
Allows you to drag on a map view to define the corners of a bounding box within which an arrow-shaped geometry fits. The created arrow shape is aligned along the horizontal axis, pointing in the direction of the drag. To create arrows pointing in other directions, ensure InteractionConfiguration.allowRotatingSelectedElement and InteractionConfiguration.allowPartSelection are true to allow interactive selection and rotation to the desired direction.
Allows you to drag on a map view to define the center point and a point on the circumference of an ellipse-shaped geometry. To create a circular shape, use this value in combination with a ShapeTool.configuration value of GeometryEditorScaleMode.Uniform. Geometries created using this type are not represented by true curves but rather consist of a series of straight lines (com.arcgismaps.geometry.Geometry.hasCurves is false).
Allows you to drag on a map view to define the corners of a bounding box within which a rectangle-shaped geometry fits. To create a square shape, use this value in combination with a ShapeTool.configuration value of GeometryEditorScaleMode.Uniform. Geometries created using this type are either polygons or polylines, depending on the parameter passed to GeometryEditor.start - it cannot create an com.arcgismaps.geometry.Envelope geometry.
Allows you to drag on a map view to define the center point and a corner of a triangle-shaped geometry. The created triangle shape is aligned along the vertical axis, pointing opposite to the direction of the drag. To create triangles pointing in other directions, ensure InteractionConfiguration.allowRotatingSelectedElement and InteractionConfiguration.allowPartSelection are true to allow interactive selection and rotation to the desired direction.