Describes whether an offline-enabled web map's layer or table can be included in an offline map. You can confirm which layers or tables, in an offline-enabled web map, can be taken offline by creating an OfflineMapTask from the web map, calling OfflineMapTask.getOfflineMapCapabilities, and examining the resulting OfflineMapCapabilities.layerCapabilities and OfflineMapCapabilities.tableCapabilities dictionaries.
If a layer or table can be taken offline then its OfflineCapability.supportsOffline value is true.
True if this online only layer or table will be referenced from an offline map, false otherwise. If this value is true, the layer or table will be available in the offline map when network connectivity is present.
True if this layer or table supports being taken offline, false otherwise. If this property is false and the GenerateOfflineMapParameters.onlineOnlyServicesOption is set to OnlineOnlyServicesOption.Include, the OfflineCapability.remainsOnline property will indicate that the layer or table will remain online and be referenced by the offline map.