Package-level declarations


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Execute HTTP network requests to ArcGIS resources with this object. The ArcGISHttpClient takes care of authentication with Network- and ArcGIS-secured resources. A singleton instance of ArcGISHttpClient can be obtained from ArcGISEnvironment.arcGISHttpClient.

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interface Chain

A request chain obtained by intercepting network requests. An intercepted network request can be obtained from the chain and the chain can be proceeded with this request or a new request.

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Downloads a file from a URL to a destination file.

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fun interface Interceptor

Intercepts network requests to observe, modify or short-circuit requests and their corresponding responses. Typical use cases for interceptors are network request logging, request mocking (for test implementations) or adding/removing/transforming headers on the request.

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abstract class Request

Represents an HTTP request.

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abstract class Response : Closeable

An HTTP response.