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Geotrigger fence data created from features. The features that create a FeatureFenceParameters provide a set of geometries (and attributes) that define targets for the Geotrigger. For example, if the condition is "notify me when my position comes within 50 meters of one of my target areas", the fence data are "my target areas" and each Feature is one target area.

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The spatial relationship that determines when a fence has been entered or exited. When determining whether a feed entity has entered or exited a fence polygon, there are two spatial operations that can be used:

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A Geotrigger that defines regions or fences to be monitored using a GeotriggerMonitor. You can monitor areas of interest with a FenceGeotrigger, using spatial rules like enter or exit. This type of operation is also known as "Geofencing".

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Options that describe how a FenceGeotrigger uses accuracy information from a GeotriggerFeed. This enumeration defines options for using accuracy information from a GeotriggerFeed to provide the Geometry for checking a Geotrigger condition. In particular, you can choose how to use the Location.horizontalAccuracy property to reflect the uncertainty around a fixed Location.position. Due to various factors, GPS positions may be inaccurate, with Location.horizontalAccuracy representing a radius that defines the area containing the actual location. Spurious notifications may occur when the Location.position is inaccurate and is incorrectly reported as inside or outside of a fence. You can use the Location.horizontalAccuracy to account for that uncertainty.

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The type of FenceGeotrigger that was met.

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sealed class FenceParameters

Geotrigger fence data required for a FenceGeotrigger. The FenceParameters defines all of the target geometries of a FenceGeotrigger. Typically, it is made up of many polygons that objects from the GeotriggerFeed can enter or exit. However, if you set a FenceParameters.bufferDistance, point and line geometry can also be used. For example, if the condition is "notify me when my position comes within 50 meters of one of my target areas", the fence data would be "my target areas".

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sealed class FenceRuleType

The rule or query that determines whether a FenceGeotrigger condition is met.

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sealed class Geotrigger

A condition monitored by a GeotriggerMonitor. A Geotrigger defines a condition that can be continually monitored in real time. After the condition is met, the Geotrigger defines how a GeotriggerNotificationInfo can be used to inform the user.

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sealed class GeotriggerFeed

Feed data required for a Geotrigger. A GeotriggerFeed is the dynamic component of a Geotrigger. Typically, it is the data that moves around and triggers the condition. For example, if the condition is "notify me when my position comes within 50 meters of one of my target areas", the feed data is "my position". Feed data for the device location is created as a LocationGeotriggerFeed.

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A GeotriggerMonitor monitors a Geotrigger condition and, when it is met, results in a GeotriggerNotificationInfo. A Geotrigger defines a query that is evaluated against GIS data as it changes in real time. For example, "Notify me when my device location enters one of my target areas" or "Notify me when my device location is within 50 m of my destination".

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The current status of a GeotriggerMonitor.

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Provides details about a Geotrigger condition that has been met. A GeotriggerNotificationInfo is sent by a GeotriggerMonitor whenever the condition described by its Geotrigger is met. The Geotrigger also defines how the GeotriggerNotificationInfo should be created. For example, it describes what message should be displayed to the user.

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Presents information on a set of Geotrigger objects defined for a GeoModel. The author of an ArcGISMap or an ArcGISScene can optionally specify one or more Geotrigger conditions to be monitored when using the data. Once this type is loaded, review the list of GeotriggersInfo.geotriggers and create a GeotriggerMonitor to monitor each.

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Geotrigger fence parameters data created from graphics. The graphics used to create a GraphicFenceParameters provide a set of geometries and attributes that define targets for a FenceGeotrigger condition. For example, if the condition is "notify me when my position comes within 50 meters of one of my target areas", the fence data is "my target areas".

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Geotrigger fence parameters data created from a GraphicsOverlay. The GraphicsOverlay used to create a GraphicsOverlayFenceParameters provides a dynamic set of graphics that define targets for a FenceGeotrigger condition. For example, if the condition is "notify me when my position comes within 50 meters of one of my target areas", "my target areas" are the graphics in the overlay. Changes to the GraphicsOverlay will be reflected in the fences tracked by the Geotrigger.

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Feed data for a Geotrigger created from a LocationDataSource. The GeotriggerFeed is the dynamic component of a Geotrigger. Typically, it is the data that moves around and triggers the condition. For example, if the condition is "notify me when my position comes within 50 meters of one of my target areas", the feed data is "my position".