A base class for ArcGISMap and ArcGISScene that contains layers and properties and can be displayed in a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView. This base class represents the model in a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, while the com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView represents the view. To display a map or scene to the user, pass GeoModel to its appropriate com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView, as follows:
Pass an ArcGISMap to a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapView.
Pass an ArcGISScene to a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.SceneView.
GeoModel has many properties that are common to both maps and scenes. For example:
Each map or scene typically has a GeoModel.basemap to help orient the users.
The GeoModel.operationalLayers collection gives you access to the vector data (points, line, polygons), raster data, and attribute information provided by the ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene.
The GeoModel.spatialReference determines how spatial data relates to real-world space.
Optional layers in a map or scene that show background information—roads, landmarks, and so on—to help orient the user of the map or scene. Typically image tile or vector tile layer types. Basemaps can be composed of different layers organized in Basemap.baseLayers (displayed beneath other layers) and Basemap.referenceLayers (displayed on top of other layers). You can use ready-to-use basemaps, style your own with the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor, or create and publish your own with ArcGIS Pro.
The collection of bookmarks defined for this map or scene. Bookmarks allow users to quickly navigate to a particular area of interest in a map or scene.
Defines the properties that allow a map or a scene to be floor-aware. Floor-aware maps and scenes contain data representing floor plan and indoor features. The data displayed by floor-aware maps and scenes can be filtered based on floor levels using the com.arcgismaps.mapping.floor.FloorManager. This property is null for maps or scenes that are not floor-aware.
Manages the data displayed for a floor-aware map or scene, allowing filtering based on floor levels. A com.arcgismaps.mapping.floor.FloorManager must be loaded before you can access its site, facility, and level properties, and perform floor filtering.
Information about the set of com.arcgismaps.geotriggers.Geotrigger objects defined for the map or scene. You must load the com.arcgismaps.geotriggers.GeotriggersInfo to populate the collection with any geotriggers defined by the author of the map or scene. If no geotriggers are defined this list will remain empty.
The initial viewpoint when the map or scene is first displayed. The initial viewpoint value is available when the map or scene is loaded. If you want to change the initial viewpoint, you can do this before you add the map or scene to a com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView. At this point, the com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView's viewpoint is set to this initial viewpoint. Any subsequent changes to the GeoModel.initialViewpoint are ignored.
The ArcGIS item associated with this map or scene. This can be a PortalItem (for web maps and web scenes loaded from a portal or saved to a portal), or a LocalItem (for maps in a map package or scenes in a scene package), or null if no Item is associated with this map or scene.
The properties that control the default loading and rendering behavior of feature layers in this map or scene. For example, you can specify which tiling mode should be used when feature layers are added, or specify whether feature tables should use advanced symbology.
A collection of layers that can access geographic data from a file or a service. The operational layers collection is used to display geographic data layers on top of a basemap layer in an ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene. For example, you can display a fleet of vehicles being tracked on a map or display a point cloud layer of a tree canopy in a scene.
The spatial reference for this map or scene. com.arcgismaps.geometry.SpatialReference specifies how geometry coordinates relate to real-world space. It ensures that you can accurately view, query, and analyze the layers of a map or scene.
A collection of feature tables in the map or scene. Unlike GeoModel.operationalLayers, tables are not displayed by the com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GeoView. The collection of feature tables is specific to the map or scene. You can add and remove tables by adding or removing them from the collection.
A collection of transportation network datasets defined for the map or scene. Map and scene authors can use ArcGIS Pro to create mobile map or scene packages that include transportation networks. If the map or scene is created from one of these packages, this collection will be populated with a read-only collection of objects.
The version of the ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene when it is loaded. The version of a newly created ArcGISMap or ArcGISScene is empty. When you load an existing map or scene, the version value is the version that it was created at, according to the [ESRI web map specification or ESRI web scene specification, respectively.
Optional layers in a map or scene that show background information — roads, landmarks, and so on — to help orient the user of the map or scene. Typically image tile or vector tile layer types. Basemaps can be composed of different layers organized in Basemap.baseLayers (displayed beneath other layers) and {@link Basemap.referenceLayers (displayed on top of other layers). You can use ready-to-use basemaps, style your own with the ArcGIS Vector Tile Style Editor, or create and publish your own with ArcGIS Pro.