Information about a given BasemapStyle available from the Basemap Styles Service, including human-readable name, thumbnail url and customization options. The Basemap Styles Service can be queried to access information about a given BasemapStyle. The service provides information about each style, including the human-readable name of the style, the url for the style's preview image (a.k.a thumbnail), and different customization options available with each BasemapStyle This read-only class collates the information available for each BasemapStyle into a common data structure and makes the information easily accessible to API users.
Customization options include:
Specific languages (e.g. "Chinese (Simplified)").
Language Strategies (e.g. "local").
If a customization is not available for a given BasemapStyle, the list for that parameter will be empty.
The BasemapStyleInfo class is intended to help a developer determine valid values for properties on the BasemapStyleParameters object, which will be dependent on the style being used. A developer could use this information to present options to an application user, for example via UI elements, or to prevent errors occurring when loading a customized basemap.
See also
A list of BasemapStyleLanguageInfo objects. The list contains information about each language that can be used to customize labels on this style.
A list of BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy values. The list contains information about each BasemapStyleLanguageStrategy that can be used with this style.
The BasemapStyle value representing this style.
The human-readable name of this BasemapStyle.
The thumbnail for the style.
A list of Worldview objects. The list contains information about each representation of a disputed boundary that can be displayed on this style.