Uses predefined patterns and colors to symbolize graphics and features that have polygon geometry. Simple fill symbols can fill the interior of polygons using predefined fill patterns such as SimpleFillSymbolStyle.BackwardDiagonal, SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Vertical, SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Horizontal and SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Cross, as well as SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid colors. These symbols can have an optional outline, which is defined by SimpleLineSymbol.
See also
Creates a simple fill symbol object with a color, style and outline.
The style of the simple fill symbol. SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid if an error occurs.
Inherited properties
Clones the SimpleFillSymbol.
Gets a MultilayerPolygonSymbol from a SimpleFillSymbol. This method allows you to create complex and custom symbols with multiple layers of different types of symbology. Simple fill symbol provides a factory of predefined fill styles such as cross and backward_diagonal. This method generates a MultilayerPolygonSymbol with a HatchFillSymbolLayer for any of the styles containing lines, or a SolidFillSymbolLayer if the fill style is SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid.
Inherited functions
Creates a swatch of the symbol. This method will scale the symbol up or down in order to fit it in to the desired width and height of the swatch.
Creates a swatch of the symbol.