A fill symbol defines the appearance of features and graphics that are based on polygon geometries such as countries, provinces, or habitats. FillSymbol is the base class for different symbols, such as SimpleFillSymbol and PictureFillSymbol. A FillSymbol can also be used in combination with a LineSymbol to add an outline to the fill symbol.
You can specify the symbology of a single graphic using com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.Graphic.symbol. Alternatively, you can create a Renderer that contains a collection of symbols and rules. Each rule determines which symbol is applied to a graphic or feature depending on its attribute values. To symbolize graphics, apply a renderer to the com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.GraphicsOverlay, and to symbolize features, apply the renderer to com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.FeatureLayer.
Inherited functions
Creates a swatch of the symbol. This method will scale the symbol up or down in order to fit it in to the desired width and height of the swatch.
Creates a swatch of the symbol.