
A struct that implements solid fill symbol layer. A SolidFillSymbolLayer represents a symbol layer used to fill a polygon geometry with a solid color. It can have transparency applied.

If a SolidFillSymbolLayer is the only symbol layer in a MultilayerPolygonSymbol, it will fill the geometry with the specified color.

The SolidFillSymbolLayer is similar to the Web Scene's FillSymbol3DLayer, and the Web Map's esriSFS.

SolidFillSymbolLayer is like SimpleFillSymbol with a solid style. Unlike SimpleFillSymbol, which includes hatch fill styles, SolidFillSymbolLayer is used to symbolize a solid fill exclusively and therefore only exposes a color property.




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constructor(color: Color =

Creates a solid fill symbol layer with a given color.


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The color of a solid fill symbol layer. A Color representing the color used in the solid fill. If a color is not explicitly set, the default will be black, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255).

Inherited properties

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The symbol layer color locked property. The color-locked status of the symbol layer. If color_locked is true, the color of that layer will not change.

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The symbol layer enabled property. The enable status of the symbol layer. Layer will be rendered only if it is enabled.


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open override fun clone(): SolidFillSymbolLayer