
The parameters that specify how a sync-enabled geodatabase is generated and downloaded from an ArcGIS feature service using a GenerateGeodatabaseJob. To generate parameters with values which take into account the capabilities supported by the ArcGIS feature service and the data it contains, call GeodatabaseSyncTask.createDefaultGenerateGeodatabaseParameters. You can then modify the parameters with any desired changes. Alternatively, you can generate an empty set of parameters using GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.GenerateGeodatabaseParameters and set the parameters individually. To create a GenerateGeodatabaseJob, pass the parameters to the GeodatabaseSyncTask.createGenerateGeodatabaseJob method and provide a path where the .geodatabase file can be downloaded to on the device.

You can also use the GenerateGeodatabaseParameters to provide more fine-grained control over the geodatabase that is exported when an offline map is generated. For more information, see the com.arcgismaps.tasks.offlinemaptask.GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides class.




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Create a parameters object for use with the generate method on the geodatabase sync task.


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Specifies the direction for attachments to be synchronized. This parameter is available when the service resource sync capabilities includes supportsAttachmentsSyncDirection. This parameter defines how attachments will be synced and is only applicable if the feature service has attachments. AttachmentSyncDirection.Bidirectional - Attachment edits can be both uploaded from the client and downloaded from the service when syncing. AttachmentSyncDirection.Upload - Attachment edits can only be uploaded from the client when syncing. This is useful in cases where the data collector does not want to consume space with attachments from the service, but does need to collect new attachments. AttachmentSyncDirection.None - Attachment edits are never synced from either the client or the server. When GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.returnAttachments is set to true, you can set GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.attachmentSyncDirection to either AttachmentSyncDirection.Bidirectional (default) or AttachmentSyncDirection.Upload. In this case, create replica includes attachments from the service. When GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.returnAttachments is set to false, you can set GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.attachmentSyncDirection to either AttachmentSyncDirection.Upload or AttachmentSyncDirection.None (default). In this case, the geodatabase does not include attachments from the service. Attachment sync direction is set during the GeodatabaseSyncTask.createGenerateGeodatabaseJob operation and cannot be overridden during GeodatabaseSyncTask.createSyncGeodatabaseJob.

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The geometry that is used to intersect the features in the service to replicate into the geodatabase. This is typically an envelope, but other geometry types can be used too. An intersects test will be used to determine which features are replicated.

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The list of layers and tables to include in the geodatabase if the sync model is layer. This must be populated with minimum of one valid layer id. For valid layers and tables see com.arcgismaps.arcgisservices.ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.layerInfos and com.arcgismaps.arcgisservices.ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.tableInfos. You can also populate with all layers using GeodatabaseSyncTask.createDefaultGenerateGeodatabaseParameters

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The spatial reference that is used for the generated geodatabase. If this is null, the Extent's spatial reference is used. If that is null the feature services spatial reference is then used.

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Indicates if attachments are added to the geodatabase. The default value is false. This parameter is only applicable if the feature service has attachments.

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Specifies whether Annotation data is to be included from the service, when generating, or downloading to, an offline geodatabase. Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Annotation data can be optionally included when downloading from the service.

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Specifies whether Attribute Rule data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase. Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Attribute Rule data can be optionally included.

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Specifies whether Contingent Value data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase. Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Contingent Value data can be optionally included.

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Specifies whether Dimension data is to be included from the service, when generating, or synchronizing with, an offline geodatabase. Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Dimension data can be optionally included.

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The synchronization model that will be used generate a geodatabase. The default is sync model is Layer. Check the services supports the required sync model, see com.arcgismaps.arcgisservices.ArcGISFeatureServiceInfo.syncCapabilities.

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Specifies the generation and synchronization mode of Utility Network data from the service to an offline geodatabase. Feature layers and tables are always included in the generation and synchronization of the geodatabase. Utility Network System data can be optionally included.


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