An object that is used in conjunction with GenerateGeodatabaseParameters to identify what layers or tables to take offline. This object allows you to set properties on a layer or table to specify what features to take offline.
Creates a new generate layer option instance with a given layer id for use with generate geodatabase on the geodatabase sync task. Creates a new instance with the supplied layer ID and the following values:
Creates a new generate layer option instance for use with generate geodatabase on the geodatabase sync task. Creates a new instance with the supplied layer ID and includeRelated value and the following values:
Creates a new generate layer option instance with the supplied layer id and where clause for use with generate geodatabase on the geodatabase sync task. Creates a new instance with the supplied layer ID and where clause and the following default values:
Indicates if only related rows are added to the specific GenerateLayerOption.layerId in the generated geodatabase. This property is only applicable if your data has relationship classes and when GenerateLayerOption.queryOption is GenerateLayerQueryOption.None.
Whether all, filtered or no features will be copied from the server when creating a geodatabase. Determines how other properties of the GenerateLayerOption are applicable, valid combinations are:
Indicates if GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.extent is used to filter the features for downloading. This property is only applicable if GenerateLayerOption.queryOption is GenerateLayerQueryOption.UseFilter.
The where clause of the generate layer option. The where clause only applies when GenerateLayerOption.queryOption is GenerateLayerQueryOption.UseFilter.
Clones the GenerateLayerOption.