Specifies the direction for attachments to be synchronized. This parameter is available when the service resource sync capabilities includes supportsAttachmentsSyncDirection. This parameter defines how attachments will be synced and is only applicable if the feature service has attachments. AttachmentSyncDirection.Bidirectional - Attachment edits can be both uploaded from the client and downloaded from the service when syncing. AttachmentSyncDirection.Upload - Attachment edits can only be uploaded from the client when syncing. This is useful in cases where the data collector does not want to consume space with attachments from the service, but does need to collect new attachments. AttachmentSyncDirection.None - Attachment edits are never synced from either the client or the server. When GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.returnAttachments is set to true, you can set GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.attachmentSyncDirection to either AttachmentSyncDirection.Bidirectional (default) or AttachmentSyncDirection.Upload. In this case, create replica includes attachments from the service. When GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.returnAttachments is set to false, you can set GenerateGeodatabaseParameters.attachmentSyncDirection to either AttachmentSyncDirection.Upload or AttachmentSyncDirection.None (default). In this case, the geodatabase does not include attachments from the service. Attachment sync direction is set during the GeodatabaseSyncTask.createGenerateGeodatabaseJob operation and cannot be overridden during GeodatabaseSyncTask.createSyncGeodatabaseJob.