
Represents a registered user of a portal.




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constructor(portal: Portal, username: String)

Constructs a PortalUser with the given Portal and user name.


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object Companion


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The access level of this user, which determines who can access the user descriptive information.

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The number of credits allocated to the user.

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The number of credits available to the user.

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The member categories that the user is assigned to.

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The date this user was created.

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The description of this user.

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The email address of this user.

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The ID of the favorites group for this user.

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The first name of this user.

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The full name of this user.

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A list of the groups this user belongs to. The resultant PortalGroup objects are fully populated and have a load status of com.arcgismaps.LoadStatus.Loaded. An empty list is returned if this PortalUser is not yet loaded.

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The last name of this user.

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The date on which this user was last modified.

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The ID of the organization to which the user belongs, empty if none.

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the Portal in which this user exists

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A list of PortalPrivileges defining the fine-grained privileges possessed by this user.

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The role in the organization of this user.

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A list of the tags associated with this user.

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The thumbnail for this user.

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The preferred units of measurement for this user.

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The user defined name or null if not specified.

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The ID of this user or null if not specified.

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the username of the PortalUser

Inherited properties

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open override val loadStatus: StateFlow<LoadStatus>

The load status.


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suspend fun addPortalItem(portalItem: PortalItem, contentParameters: PortalItemContentParameters, portalFolder: PortalFolder? = null): Result<Unit>

Adds the specified item to the portal in the given folder.

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suspend fun addToFavorites(portalItem: PortalItem): Result<Unit>

Adds the item to the favorites group.

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suspend fun createFolder(title: String): Result<PortalFolder>

Creates a new folder with the given title in the user's root folder. Nested folders are not supported and two folders that belong to the same user cannot have the same title.

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suspend fun deleteFolder(folder: PortalFolder): Result<Unit>

Deletes the specified folder from the portal. The folder must belong to this user. Deleting a folder deletes all the items that it contains. The user's root folder is not deletable.

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suspend fun deletePortalItem(portalItem: PortalItem): Result<Unit>

Deletes the specified item from the portal.

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Fetches content from this user's root folder.

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Fetches content from a specific folder belonging to this user.

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suspend fun fetchFavoritesStatus(portalItem: PortalItem): Result<Boolean>

Fetches the favorite status for the portal item.

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suspend fun movePortalItem(portalItem: PortalItem, toFolder: PortalFolder? = null): Result<Unit>

Moves the specified item to the specified folder.

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suspend fun movePortalItems(portalItems: Iterable<PortalItem>, toFolder: PortalFolder? = null): Result<List<PortalItemMoveError>>

Moves the specified items to the specified folder.

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suspend fun removeFromFavorites(portalItem: PortalItem): Result<Unit>

Removes the portal item from the favorites group.

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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert an object to JSON string.

Inherited functions

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open override fun cancelLoad()

Cancels loading metadata for the Loadable object.

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open suspend override fun load(): Result<Unit>

Loads the metadata for the object.

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open suspend override fun retryLoad(): Result<Unit>

Loads or retries loading metadata for the object.