The access level of this user, which determines who can access the user descriptive information.
The number of credits allocated to the user.
The number of credits available to the user.
The member categories that the user is assigned to.
The date this user was created.
The description of this user.
The ID of the favorites group for this user.
A list of the groups this user belongs to. The resultant PortalGroup objects are fully populated and have a load status of com.arcgismaps.LoadStatus.Loaded. An empty list is returned if this PortalUser is not yet loaded.
The date on which this user was last modified.
The ID of the organization to which the user belongs, empty if none.
A list of PortalPrivileges defining the fine-grained privileges possessed by this user.
The role in the organization of this user.
The thumbnail for this user.
The preferred units of measurement for this user.
The user defined name or null
if not specified.
Adds the specified item to the portal in the given folder.
Adds the item to the favorites group.
Creates a new folder with the given title in the user's root folder. Nested folders are not supported and two folders that belong to the same user cannot have the same title.
Deletes the specified folder from the portal. The folder must belong to this user. Deleting a folder deletes all the items that it contains. The user's root folder is not deletable.
Deletes the specified item from the portal.
Fetches content from this user's root folder.
Fetches content from a specific folder belonging to this user.
Fetches the favorite status for the portal item.
Moves the specified item to the specified folder.
Moves the specified items to the specified folder.
Removes the portal item from the favorites group.