
A credential that accesses token-secured ArcGIS content and services. To create a token credential, provide a secured service URL, valid username, and password. Alternatively, you can create a token credential for network secure resources that are secured using network authentication, such as Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) or Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). In both bases, you can specify a token expiration in minutes.

If you use this TokenCredential as part of the secure resource challenge handling, it will be stored in the ArcGISCredentialStore of the AuthenticationManager. It will be used by all subsequent requests that have a matching URL context.




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object Companion


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The length of time a token credential remains valid. Represented in minutes. If not explicitly set, the server default is used. If unspecified, the server returns a token with an expiration interval of 120 minutes (2 hours). The server default for the maximum allowed expiration time is 21600 minutes (15 days), but this value can be configured on the server.

Inherited properties

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The referer used to generate a token.

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The URL by which the root of a server is accessed. This is the URL against which rest endpoints are resolved. For example, "" would have a server context of "", on which we could add "/rest/info" or "/rest" to fetch the server information.

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The user associated with the credential.


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suspend fun getTokenInfo(): Result<TokenInfo>

Returns an instance of TokenInfo generated by this credential. If the token has expired, this method regenerates the access token. Token expiration is based on the TokenCredential.tokenExpirationInterval.

Inherited functions

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert an object to JSON string.