
sealed class MultilayerSymbol : Symbol

A base class for multilayer symbols. Multiple layers of symbols combine to make complex multilayer symbols that you can add to a map or scene. Multilayer symbols can be returned from feature layers based on web maps, feature services (with Use Advanced Symbology set to true), or mobile map packages. They can also be created from JSON by calling Symbol.fromJsonOrNull. You can programmatically create and change them using the MultilayerPointSymbol, MultilayerPolylineSymbol, and MultilayerPolygonSymbol subclasses. You can also access the layers that comprise the symbol through MultilayerSymbol.symbolLayers and modify their properties, such as the color of a multilayer symbol. Some subclasses also expose additional symbol properties.

The symbol layers that comprise the symbol can be of different types. For example, a polyline geometry may be drawn with a MultilayerPolylineSymbol that has line (stroke) symbol layers that draw the line geometry, and also point (marker) symbol layers that are drawn at specified point locations relative to the line geometry.

When you save an ArcGIS Pro map as a web map, any multilayer symbols in the map are converted to simple symbols. In general, point symbols are converted to picture marker symbols optimized for the web, and line and polygon symbols are simplified while representing the original symbol as closely as possible. If you're authoring a feature service from ArcGIS Pro, however, both the original symbols and the simplified symbols are stored. The stored symbols allow clients that support advanced symbols to render the features as originally symbolized, while those that do not support advanced symbols (such as ArcGIS Online Map Viewer) can use the simple symbols for display. Having both sets of symbols allows you to retain the advanced symbology where available and still share the feature service as widely as possible. Symbols used by web scenes are also multilayer but use a different symbol specification than ArcGIS Pro and this API. When you read symbols from a web scene in your app, you get a representation of the multilayer symbol.

If you create a multilayer symbol from a collection of SymbolLayer objects, the first symbol layer in the collection will be drawn first, with the second symbol layer on top of the first, and so on. Note that symbol layers in a multilayer symbol are in reverse order of how they appear in the JSON representation.





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The consensus color of all layers in the symbol (excluding those that are color-locked). A MultilayerSymbol may have many symbol layers. This property represents the value of all color and tint color properties of constituent symbol layers, excluding any StrokeSymbolLayer in a MultilayerPolygonSymbol, as those symbol layers are outlines. The property defines the color and tint color of symbols contained in VectorMarkerSymbolElement. Constituent symbol layers whose colorLocked property is true do not change color as a result of this function. To change outline colors, modify the outline symbol layer colors individually.

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The properties change how the multilayer symbol behaves when attached to a renderer.

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The symbol layers of the multilayer symbol. Symbol layers in a multilayer symbol are in reverse order of how they appear in the JSON representation from the server.


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open override fun clone(): MultilayerSymbol

Clones the MultilayerSymbol.

Inherited functions

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suspend fun createSwatch(    screenScale: Float,     width: Float? = null,     height: Float? = null,     backgroundColor: Color = Color.transparent): Result<BitmapDrawable>

Creates a swatch of the symbol. This method will scale the symbol up or down in order to fit it in to the desired width and height of the swatch.

suspend fun createSwatch(    screenScale: Float,     width: Float,     height: Float,     geometry: Geometry,     backgroundColor: Color = Color.transparent): Result<BitmapDrawable>

Creates a swatch of the symbol.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert an object to JSON string.