
A class for stroke symbol layers with customized geometric effects. Currently it supports only dash effects. Commonly used in line symbols to describe the appearance of the line, or in polygon symbols as an outline. A SolidStrokeSymbolLayer represents a polyline geometry symbolized with a solid color.

This symbol layer, in a MultilayerPolylineSymbol, colors the geometry of the line with the specified solid color. The class also allows setting a collection of geometric effects, which modify the stroke in various ways (see documentation for geometric effects).

The SolidStrokeSymbolLayer is used to represent the Web Scene specification's LineSymbol3DLayer and PathSymbol3DLayer. LineSymbol3DLayer maps to the 'strip' 3D line style of SolidStrokeSymbolLayer, and PathSymbol3DLayer maps to the 'tube' 3D line style.

The SolidStrokeSymbolLayer provides a similar user experience to the SimpleLineSymbol, but, since it is a symbol layer, can be used in a MultilayerSymbol. The simple line styles of the SimpleLineSymbol are represented here by the DashGeometricEffect, but all dash patterns are custom. A solid stroke symbol layer in a multilayer polygon symbol will act as the outline of the fill.



See also


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constructor(    width: Double = 5.333333492279053,     color: Color =,     geometricEffects: Iterable<GeometricEffect> = mutableListOf(),     lineStyle3D: StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D = StrokeSymbolLayerLineStyle3D.Strip)

Create a solid stroke symbol layer with width, color, geometric effects and 3D line style. Create a solid stroke symbol layer with a stroke width, a color, a collection of geometric effects, and a 3D line style. The function sets the width, color, geometric effects, and 3D line style on the newly-created solid stroke. Stroke caps default to 'round'.


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The color of a solid stroke symbol layer. The solid color of the SolidStrokeSymbolLayer. The stroke will render with the specified color. When getting the color from a symbol, the consensus value (for all layers) is reported. If there is no consensus (one or more layers have different colors), a null value is reported for the color. Likewise, setting a value for color on a symbol will apply that color to all layers the symbol contains.

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The collection of geometric effects held by a solid stroke symbol layer. The collection of geometric effects held by a SolidStrokeSymbolLayer. Setting the geometric effects will apply the collection of geometric effects to the stroke when rendering. See the documentation for geometric effects to understand how they apply.

Inherited properties

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The cap style of stroke symbol layer. The default cap style is 'round,' meaning that the ends of the stroke are rounded off. Cap styles affect strokes in Map Views, as well as the 'strip' and 'tube' line styles in Scene Views.

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The symbol layer color locked property. The color-locked status of the symbol layer. If color_locked is true, the color of that layer will not change.

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The symbol layer enabled property. The enable status of the symbol layer. Layer will be rendered only if it is enabled.

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The 3D line style of the stroke symbol layer. The 3D line style controls the rendering of the stroke in 3D. As a consequence of that, 3D line style has no effect on strokes in Map Views, but does affect strokes in Scene Views.

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The width of the stroke symbol layer. The return value may be any non-negative number (default is 0). A larger width means a larger stroke.


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open override fun clone(): SolidStrokeSymbolLayer