
A credential that access OAuth token-secured ArcGIS resources using an OAuthUserConfiguration. The OAuth user credential generates a short-lived access token that gives the user permission to access token-secured ArcGIS content and services, such as the ArcGIS location services.

The OAuth login process presents the user with an OAuth login page. You can configure the look and feel of this login page by setting OAuthUserConfiguration properties, such as OAuthUserConfiguration.showCancelButton or OAuthUserConfiguration.userInterfaceStyle.

If you use this OAuthUserCredential as part of the secure resource challenge handling, it will be stored in the ArcGISCredentialStore of the AuthenticationManager. It will be used by all subsequent requests that have a matching URL context.




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object Companion


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An authorization code to generate the OAuth token.

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The OAuth configuration details of an application that can sign into an ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal using OAuth.

Inherited properties

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The referer used to generate a token.

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The URL by which the root of a server is accessed. This is the URL against which rest endpoints are resolved. For example, "https://sampleserver3.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/SanFrancisco/311Incidents/FeatureServer/0" would have a server context of "https://sampleserver3.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS", on which we could add "/rest/info" or "/rest" to fetch the server information.

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The user associated with the credential.


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Returns an instance of OAuthUserTokenInfo generated by this credential. If the access token has expired, this method regenerates it. If the OAuthUserConfiguration.refreshTokenExchangeInterval is set, this method exchanges the refresh token at specified interval. While regenerating the access token or exchanging the refresh token, if the refresh token is expired, an invalid token error is returned.

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suspend fun revokeToken(): Result<Unit>

Sends a network request to revoke OAuth refresh and access tokens. This call will fail if the tokens have not been successfully revoked.

Inherited functions

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toJson(): String

Convert an object to JSON string.