
An elevation source based on a tiled ArcGIS image service containing elevation data. An ArcGIS tiled elevation source helps visualize maps and layers in 3D by providing a surface that layers may be draped or offset from.

You can create an ArcGIS tiled elevation source object from the URL, or PortalItem, of an online ArcGIS image service, or a local TileCache generated from an ArcGIS image service. In all cases, the Image Service[] must support elevation that is stored in the Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) tile format. If your app is online and connected to ArcGIS Online, you can utilize the cached elevation image service,

To utilize an elevation source in a scene's surface, add it to the scene's Surface.elevationSources collection.




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constructor(item: Item)

Creates an ArcGIS tiled elevation source with a portal item. An ArcGIS tiled elevation source is added to a Surface and provides elevation data on which layers may be draped or offset from. The ArcGIS tiled elevation source uses an ArcGIS Image service to provide the elevation data.

constructor(tileCache: TileCache)

Creates an ArcGIS tiled elevation source with a tile cache. An ArcGIS tiled elevation source is added to a Surface and provides elevation data that layers may be draped or offset from. The ArcGIS tiled elevation source uses a TileCache to provide the elevation data. Only tile caches that contain LERC tiles are supported. Use an ExportTileCacheTask to create an offline tile cache from an elevation image service.

constructor(uri: String)

Creates an ArcGIS tiled elevation source with using a URL to an elevation service object. An ArcGIS tiled elevation source is added to a Surface and provides elevation data on which layers may be draped or offset from. The ArcGIS tiled elevation source uses an ArcGIS Image service to provide the elevation data.


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val item: Item?

The item of the elevation service.

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The tile cache of the elevation service.

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val uri: String?

The URI of the ArcGIS tiled elevation source. The elevation source URI in the ArcGIS tiled elevation source. This method can't be called once the elevation source is loading else ErrorType.CommonIllegalState exception will occur.

Inherited properties

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True if the elevation source participates in the generation of the Surface, false otherwise.

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open override val loadStatus: StateFlow<LoadStatus>

The load status.

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The name of the elevation source.

Inherited functions

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open override fun cancelLoad()

Cancels loading metadata for the Loadable object.

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open suspend override fun load(): Result<Unit>

Loads the metadata for the object.

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open suspend override fun retryLoad(): Result<Unit>

Loads or retries loading metadata for the object.