Package-level declarations


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Indicates whether tables will contain all rows or can be filtered to a smaller set of related rows. Used by the property GenerateOfflineMapParameters.destinationTableRowFilter.

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A job to download the offline map for an offline map area from a web map that is enabled for offline use and has offline map areas defined. This job is part of the ahead-of-time offline workflow. Use this job to download the offline map to your device so that you can work offline without a network connection. Note that offline map areas may also be referred to as preplanned map areas.

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The parameters that specify how an offline map area is downloaded from an online map using a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob. The online map must be a web map either on ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. Note that the API refers to an offline map area as a PreplannedMapArea.

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The result of a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob. When the job completes it returns the offline map and indicates whether any errors were incurred during the download process (DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapResult.hasErrors). Examine the individual layer and table errors to identify the source of the problem. For example, the loss of the online service, a layer or table may not be taken offline or export tiles has not been enabled on the layer.

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A job that generates and downloads the offline map for a specific area of interest from a web map that is enabled for offline use. This job is part of the on-demand offline workflow. Use this job to generate and download the offline map to your device so that you can work offline without a network connection.

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Gives access to the individual parameters objects that will generate the various geodatabase, vector tile and tile cache packages that make up the data of an offline map. This object allows the user more fine-grained control over the generation of an offline map than the options presented in the standard GenerateOfflineMapParameters. For example, the parameter overrides allow the user to adjust specific layers so that they: use a different spatial extent or scale range; use custom attribute or geometry settings; are omitted from the download. An instance of this object can be created from the overall map settings in GenerateOfflineMapParameters by calling OfflineMapTask.createGenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides. This object gives access to the individual parameter objects via three dictionaries containing generate geodatabase parameters, export tile cache parameters and export vector tile parameters. These can be accessed using GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides.generateGeodatabaseParameters, GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides.exportTileCacheParameters and GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides.exportVectorTilesParameters respectively. The dictionaries contain the various parameters objects mapped against an OfflineMapParametersKey. An OfflineMapParametersKey represents the service that a particular parameters object is intended for. The OfflineMapParametersKey.OfflineMapParametersKey, OfflineMapParametersKey.OfflineMapParametersKey, or OfflineMapParametersKey.OfflineMapParametersKey can be used to construct a key given its respective layer, table, or utility network. The returned key can be used to look up a value in a dictionary. The type of dictionary is indicated by the key's OfflineMapParametersKey.type property. Note that a given parameters key/value pair may be shared by multiple layers in the map: for example a single com.arcgismaps.tasks.geodatabase.GenerateGeodatabaseParameters could represent the online settings for multiple feature layers that all access the same underlying feature service. All entries in the dictionaries should correspond to layers and table instances in the online com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap. If a dictionary entry is removed the corresponding layers or tables will be removed from the offline map without raising an error.

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The parameters that specify how an offline map is generated and downloaded from an online map using a GenerateOfflineMapJob. The online map must be a web map either on ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.

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The result of a GenerateOfflineMapJob. Once the GenerateOfflineMapJob is complete, GenerateOfflineMapResult indicates if there are any errors related to the layers or tables within the map. If the job is successful, GenerateOfflineMapResult.offlineMap returns the offline map.

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Different modes for synchronization of features in a generated offline map.

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Describes whether an offline-enabled web map's layer or table can be included in an offline map. You can confirm which layers or tables, in an offline-enabled web map, can be taken offline by creating an OfflineMapTask from the web map, calling OfflineMapTask.getOfflineMapCapabilities, and examining the resulting OfflineMapCapabilities.layerCapabilities and OfflineMapCapabilities.tableCapabilities dictionaries.

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The capabilities to take a web map's layers and tables offline. You can determine whether individual layers and tables will be included in an offline map by creating an OfflineMapTask from the web map, calling OfflineMapTask.getOfflineMapCapabilities, and examining the resulting OfflineMapCapabilities.

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Contains properties to override the offline maps item properties. When you generate an offline map using the GenerateOfflineMapJob, you can override some of the properties that are automatically provided by the web map, such as the title, thumbnail, and description. To do this set any of the OfflineMapItemInfo properties on the GenerateOfflineMapParameters.itemInfo.

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A key comprising of a service URL and type of an online service. The key is used to lookup values in a dictionary exposed by a GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides. GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides consist of instances of data type specific parameters com.arcgismaps.tasks.geodatabase.GenerateGeodatabaseParameters, com.arcgismaps.tasks.tilecache.ExportTileCacheParameters and com.arcgismaps.tasks.exportvectortiles.ExportVectorTilesParameters. Each instance is associated with the service URL that the parameters will be sent to when taking the given data offline. The data type specific parameters can be retrieved from their respective dictionaries on GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides with an instance of OfflineMapParametersKey. A key instance for a particular layer can be constructed by calling OfflineMapParametersKey.OfflineMapParametersKey. For a table, call OfflineMapParametersKey.OfflineMapParametersKey. For a utility network, call OfflineMapParametersKey.OfflineMapParametersKey. Use the key with the dictionary returned by one of these properties: GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides.generateGeodatabaseParameters, GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides.exportVectorTilesParameters, GenerateOfflineMapParameterOverrides.exportTileCacheParameters. The particular dictionary property will be determined by the OfflineMapParametersKey.type property. Note that a given parameters key/value pair may be shared by multiple layers in the map: for example a single com.arcgismaps.tasks.geodatabase.GenerateGeodatabaseParameters could represent the online settings for multiple feature layers and tables which all access the same underlying feature service.

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Indicates the type of parameters object used to take layers offline.

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A Job to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with their originating services. Note that if this job is to be serialized to JSON, its map needs to be loaded first. An attempt to serialize with a not loaded map will throw an ErrorType.MappingNotLoaded exception.

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The result of an OfflineMapSyncJob for a single feature layer or table. When the job completes, OfflineMapSyncLayerResult.hasErrors indicates whether any errors were incurred during the synchronization of an individual layer or table. You can examine the OfflineMapSyncLayerResult.error to investigate general synchronization problems. In addition, explore the OfflineMapSyncLayerResult.editErrors collection to determine whether a server-side error ocurred with an individual feature edit during synchronization.

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Parameters used to create an OfflineMapSyncJob. To create OfflineMapSyncParameters, you need to create an OfflineMapSyncTask by using the offline map (com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap). You can then obtain the default OfflineMapSyncParameters for the offline map by calling OfflineMapSyncTask.createDefaultOfflineMapSyncParameters. If necessary, you can modify these default parameters to specify the OfflineMapSyncParameters.syncDirection, for example.

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The result of an OfflineMapSyncJob. When the job completes, this result indicates whether any errors were incurred during the synchronization process (OfflineMapSyncResult.hasErrors). If so, you can examine the dictionary of OfflineMapSyncResult.layerResults and OfflineMapSyncResult.tableResults to identify the source of the problem for each layer and table.

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A task to synchronize an offline map's geodatabases with its originating sync-enabled ArcGIS feature services. You can take a map offline from a web map using the OfflineMapTask. This can be an offline map created ahead-of-time or an on-demand map. For more information, see the Ahead-of-time vs on-demand workflows. The offline map is stored on the device so its data can be displayed, queried, and edited whilst the device is offline.

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A task used to take a map offline. Taking a map offline involves downloading an online map and its data, including all the supported layers, tables, renderers, web map configuration etc. so that it can be used offline without a network connection. There are two workflows available for taking maps offline:

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Describes supported methods for obtaining updates for an offline map. You can identify the supported methods by creating an OfflineMapSyncTask with the offline map (com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap) and examining the OfflineMapSyncTask.updateCapabilities. You can determine whether the offline map is configured to use the update packages (OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities.supportsScheduledUpdatesForFeatures) and to sync directly with feature services (OfflineMapUpdateCapabilities.supportsSyncWithFeatureServices).

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Provides information on the available updates for an offline map. This type provides high level information on what updates are available for an offline map. Update information covers both:

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Enumerates whether offline data has updates, has no updates, or that the availability of updates cannot be determined.

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Enumerates the possible options for dealing with online-only services (those which cannot be taken offline).

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Represents a single preplanned offline map area. Offline map areas are specific work areas or major incident areas that are defined by an online map author ahead of time. Each online map can contain a number of offline map areas. These can be provided in a list by the OfflineMapTask.getPreplannedMapAreas method. Each preplanned map area uses map content that is stored online. Download this map content by running a DownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob. Create this job by passing the preplanned map area to the OfflineMapTask.createDownloadPreplannedOfflineMapJob method on the OfflineMapTask.

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Enumerates the different packaging states that an online PreplannedMapArea can be in. A PreplannedMapArea is made up of a set of data packages for each of the layers in the map. When a web map author first creates a map area these packages must be prepared by the relevant online services before the area is ready to be downloaded as an offline map.

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Enumerates options for downloading read-only preplanned updates from an online map area.

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Different modes for how updates are obtained for a preplanned offline map area.

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Indicate the type of layers we wish to include attachments with when taking feature layers offline.