
A class that contains the output from a solving closest task for a single result. The solving closest route contains all necessary output from a successfully- completed ClosestFacilityTask.solveClosestFacility. This includes the cost, geometry, and additional metadata specific to the resulting route solution (e.g., route directions, local start/end time, etc.).



See also


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Arrival curb approach. Default value CurbApproach.EitherSide will be returned on error.

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Departure curb approach.

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Direction maneuver. The list of turn-by-turn directions for this route. Can be empty array in case if ClosestFacilityParameters.returnDirections is false.

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End time. A null if departure/arrival time was not specified in ClosestFacilityParameters.

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Time zone shift for end time, in minutes. Value of the time zone shift for end time, in minutes.

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Route's geometry. The geometry for the full route (polyline) in case if ClosestFacilityParameters.returnRoutes is true.

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Start time. A null if departure/arrival time was not specified in ClosestFacilityParameters.

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Time zone shift for start time in minutes. Value of the time zone shift for start time, in minutes.

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Total length in meters. The total length of a closest facility route (meters).

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Total time in minutes. The total time in minutes calculated for the route. In order to get this value, time attribute should be set in as impedance or accumulate attribute in parameters object.

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Travel time in minutes. Travel time is total amount of travel time exclude added minutes from incident/facility added costs(if specified).


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fun getCost(attributeName: String): Double

Gets cost. Returns the associated cost for this attribute name.