Package-level declarations
A class that contains value of attribute's parameter. Class holding a single attribute parameter value for an NA tasks.
Types of unit for network attributes.
Intended-usage types for barriers.
A class that contains settings that are used when solving a ClosestFacilityTask. The ClosestFacilityParameters class contains all inputs for the ClosestFacilityTask, as well as settings such as the impedance attribute, accumulate and restriction attributes, backtrack (u-turn) policy, etc.
A class that contains the output results from a ClosestFacilityTask. The closest facility result contains all necessary output from a successfully- completed ClosestFacilityTask.solveClosestFacility. This includes collection of routes, barriers and messages.
A class that contains the output from a solving closest task for a single result. The solving closest route contains all necessary output from a successfully- completed ClosestFacilityTask.solveClosestFacility. This includes the cost, geometry, and additional metadata specific to the resulting route solution (e.g., route directions, local start/end time, etc.).
A class that implements the closest facility task. The closest facility task class uses a transportation network to measure the cost of traveling between incidents and facilities and determines which are nearest to one other. When finding closest facilities, you can specify how many to find and whether the direction of travel is toward or away from them.
A class that describes the transportation network that a closest facility task is bound to. It describes information about ClosestFacilityTask.
A structure that describes a transportation network cost attribute.
The curb approach type.
A class that contains description of directions event.
A class that contains properties of directions maneuver.
Type of direction maneuver.
A directions string.
Type of direction string.
The network directions output type.
A class that represents a facility. Facilities represent locations that can serve as the starting point or ending point of a closest facility analysis, for example, a fire station or a hospital. The Facility class contains one of location inputs for the ClosestFacilityTask. The ClosestFacilityTask will create a route between facilities and incidents.
A class that represents an incident. Incidents also represent locations that can serve as the starting point or ending point of a closest facility analysis, for example, a fire or a traffic accident. The Incident class contains one of location inputs for the ClosestFacilityTask. The ClosestFacilityTask will create a route between facilities and incidents.
Status regarding the network location associated with a stop.
An enumeration of the various types of RouteTaskInfo.directionsSupport values.
References a specific location/position along a transportation network source feature.
A point barrier object is used to restrict route solving. A class that represents a point location to be avoided (or penalized) by a route. A point barrier may represent a restricted location to be avoided by a route (e.g., a car accident) or a location at which some additional delay occurs if visited along a route (e.g., a railroad crossing).
A polygon barrier object is used to restrict route solving. A class that represents a polygon feature to be avoided (or penalized) by a route. A polygon barrier may represent a regional area of interest within the network to be avoided (i.e., not entered) by a route (e.g., a flood zone) or to penalize/delay a route within any portions of the area traversed by the route (e.g., a busy downtown area or a bad neighborhood).
A polyline barrier is used to restrict route solving. A class that represents a linear feature to be avoided (or penalized) by a route. A polyline barrier may represent a linear feature (e.g., a subpath in the network) to be avoided (i.e., not crossed or followed) by a route or to penalize/delay a route along any portions of the feature traversed by the route (e.g., a stretch of interstate with temporarily reduced speed limits due to local construction along an adjacent lane).
A structure that describes a transportation network restriction attribute.
A route object contains information about single route. A class that contains the output from a route task for a single route. The route contains all necessary output from a successfully- completed route task solve. This includes the cost, shape, and additional metadata specific to the resulting route solution (e.g., route directions, local start/end time, etc.).
A route parameters object contains parameters for route calculation. A class that contains settings that are used when solving a Route_task. The Route_parameters class contains all inputs for the Route_task, as well as settings such as the impedance attribute, accumulate and restriction attributes, backtrack (u-turn) policy, etc.
A route result object contains output of route task's solve. A class that contains the output results from a route task. The route result contains all necessary output from a successfully- completed route task solve. This includes collection of routes, barriers and messages.
The type of shape output for a route.
A route task object is used for calculation route by specified parameters. A class that implements the route task. The route task class uses a transportation network to create a route between multiple stops. The route generated and the results returned honor the settings provided by a route settings object.
A class that describes the transportation network that a route task is bound to.
A class that describes service area facility. Facilities represent locations from which service areas need to be calculated. For example, a fire station can be set as a facility to find which areas it can serve within a 10 minute service area. A hospital can be set as the facility to find what proportion of the population is within a 2 mile driving distance.
Service area overlap geometry. Specifies the behavior of service-area output from multiple facilities in relation to one another.
A class that describes the service area parameters. Class holding the parameters of a service area to be solved by ServiceAreaTask. The default parameters for a ServiceAreaTask can be retrieved by calling ServiceAreaTask.createDefaultParameters method.
A class that describes the single service area polygon. The service area polygon stores the resultant service area polygon, which cover the area of the network that can be reached within the given time, distance, or other travel-cost cutoff.
Service area polygon cutoff geometry. Specifies the behavior of service area output for a single facility when multiple cutoff values are specified. This parameter does not apply to line output.
Service area polygon detail. Specifies the level of detail of the output polygons. If your analysis covers an urban area with a grid-like street network, the difference between generalized and standard polygons will be minimal. However, for mountain and rural roads, the standard and detailed polygons may present significantly more accurate results than generalized polygons.
A class that describes the single service area polyline. The service area polyline stores the resultant service area polyline, which the represents the network edges that can be reached within the given impedance.
A class that describes the service area result. The result from ServiceAreaTask.solveServiceArea operation. A Service area result object represents the results of the operation. It can contains the following (if you enabled returning corresponding property on parameters): An array of polygons and/or lines representing the service areas. An array of graphics representing the facilities used in the analysis. An arrays of barriers (point, polyline, polygon)
Instances of this class represent tasks that can compute service areas. A Service Area task allows you to calculate areas that can be serviced (reached) from a given location. A service area is a region that encompasses all accessible streets, that is, streets that lie within a specified impedance. For instance, the 10-minute service area for a facility includes all the streets that can be reached within 10 minutes from that facility.
A class that describes the service area task info. This represents an instance of a service area task info that described information about ServiceAreaTask.
A structure that describes a source object position. Class presents position of network element on network source.
A start time usage type. Allows to choose how to enter a time value.
A class that represents a location to be visited along a route. The Stop class contains location inputs for the Route_task. The Route_task will create a route between two or more Stops. A Stop object is not an arbitrary bag of properties, but contains only the properties needed for routing (for example, a Stop object does not have address information). Stop objects are collected into a MutableList by value, and passed as an input to RouteTask.
A travel direction type. Options for traveling to or from the facility. The default is defined in the network layer.
An object that represents a travel mode. Travel modes on a network dataset define how a pedestrian, car, truck, or other medium of transportation moves through the network. A travel mode consists of a collection of network dataset settings that define actions that are allowed on the network and how the actions can be performed. Selecting a predefined travel mode allows you to efficiently and consistently set a number of properties that are appropriate for the mode of travel you intend to model. Since a travel mode is a collection of properties that work together it is recommended to have a full understanding of how these properties interact before altering them on the fly for a particular analysis. A best practice would be to create a new travel mode in the network dataset in ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro that is fully tested to ensure that is returns the required solution.
Type of backtracking allowed when querying for adjacencies in a network view.