A class that describes the transportation network that a route task is bound to.
Accumulate attribute names.
Cost attributes.
Default travel mode's name.
Directions distance text units.
Directions language.
Directions style. A directions style. The directions setting to generate directions designed for different kind of applications.
Whether the underlying network dataset supports the returning of directions. For services prior to ArcGIS 10.8, this value will be NetworkDirectionsSupport.Unknown.
Find best sequence.
Maximum locating distance is the furthest distance in meters that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum locating distance, the object is marked as unlocated.
Network name.
Output spatial reference.
Preserve first stop.
Preserve last stop.
Restriction attributes.
Route shape type.
Array of supported languages.
Array of supported restriction usage parameter values.
Value of service property "Supports Rerouting" If property doesn't exist on service value will be false. For local data value will be true.
Array of travel modes.